Thoubalphobia ill-fated Malemnganbi’s Child Delivery

By: Mamta Lukram

Few days back, a collage picture of a young lady and a new born was posted sharing a disheartening update on how the young lady passed away during the child’s delivery. More disturbing was the content which indicates a sense of stigmatisation, discontentment over public attitude of overlooking fact that the virus has no borders. Having a flashback reality check, everyone knows that Thoubal district has been put under stringent restriction with fear of becoming the hot bed of COVID 19 local transmission in the state. A disastrous community response of districtphobia or Thoubalphobia brewed in the minds as side effect.
Nevertheless, during this hard times of global crisis whereby doctors and health workers frontlining in strategic combat against the disease, misunderstandings their constraints thereby blaming them from all angles may not be the right step. Interaction with the bereaved family members reveals a different layout. We need introspecting causal factors by enquiring into if the system has any direct and indirect role.
Digging deep, some specific factors are found responsible for the unfortunate incident. The confirmation of COVID 19 positive cases with no travel history and imposition of complete curfew in the district only, restricting public movement created hardships. Social dejection by people from other parts of the state restraining people from this district entering public and private places in other parts is another factor. The psychological insecurity bears its alarming significance too.
The heart wrenching story is about Thoudam Malemnganbi @ Abem, 24 years, W/O Thoudam Sanjitkumar 33yrs from Thoubal Thoudam Mamang Leikai, ward no 3/14, who unfortunately passed away on Sunday, 2nd August 2020 in her child delivery. According to family member, Malemnganbi used to have regular check-ups in the district hospital during the last past months. She was also private patient of a doctor posted in Thoubal District Hospital. She already had a six years old son through normal delivery and everything have been running quite normal for her.
Catastrophe spelt in her life when doctors 3 doctors and a grade IV posted in Thoubal District Hospital were confirmed COVID 19 positive leading to sealing of the hospital. Rejecting treatment of people from Thoubal District in other hospitals, without COVID 19 test results multiplies inconveniences. Erecting barricades with bamboo fences blocking people from any other district, Thoubal in particular was the greatest mental and mobility set back to the family.
By the time her due dates was approaching, her family failed to maintain smooth communication with the concern doctor. Fixed in chaos, the family tried to contact a hospital which didn’t turn up with recommendable solution. Being caught in a choiceless dilemma, the family was reduced to a state of helplessness. The only hope was, as the lady gave normal delivery to her first son who is now six years old, and her concerned doctor was of the view that everything was normal, there is high probability of successful normal delivery for this second time too. So, the family started looking for options.
Relying on traditional practice was the idea open to them. As shared by the family, they were little hopeful getting the information that after COVID 19 lockdown has destroyed normalcy, few others family have also successfully relied on traditional midwiferies. So, when Malemnganbi started experiencing her natural labour contraction, she was fed to traditional midwifery. Luckily by 8.40 am in the morning of Sunday, 2nd August 2020, she delivered a baby boy and the condition was stable. The family rejoiced and breathe of sigh with the successful step. The whole family have been busy with post-delivery initiatives and preparing food for her, suddenly she started showing signs of discomfort. She was attended by nurse, but her health lapses into critical juncture due to complicacies of internal bleeding. Within no time she succumbed. The ill-fated family was left behind in a shock.
Later, the child seems to develop some discomfort, the panic stricken family come out looking for medical assistance, which rather was more disheartening even. They went out for Shija Hospital which demanded test result or either a note confirming test has been conducted. This made them waited outside the CMO office Thoubal with the motherless new-born for hours in vain. They took up the courage and managed to get in through Shija Hospital. The hospital staffs, keeping under consideration the situation, contacted a paediatrics over the phone and the doctor gave telephonic instructions in responding the need of the infant. Finally, the family members reached home late evening after having tested nagative for COVID 19 in Thoubal district hospital.
As expressed by the family member, COVID 19 has havoc their family. They don’t hold anyone in particular as responsible for the loss in the family, but the pandemic. They were of the view that it was neither out of carelessness nor financial constraint that the unfortunate mother was made to deliver her baby at home, but out of endless confusions that stuck them in every step. They resign to their fate, however are disheartened with the system of disarray submerging in endless confusion the lives of common people.

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