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The Role of Youth in Shaping a Society

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The Role of Youth in Shaping a Society

By: Laishram Rajesh Singh
In the grand tapestry of society, the role of youth emerges as a dynamic force capable of shaping the present and charting the course for the future. With the pressing need for ecological sustainability looming large on the global stage, the youth stand as torchbearers in the journey towards a greener and more prosperous tomorrow. However, this journey is not merely about individual aspirations but about collective action and conscientious choices that resonate beyond personal ambitions.
Central to the discourse on youth empowerment is the notion of redirecting focus towards fostering entrepreneurship and job creation rather than fixating solely on traditional career paths such as pursuing positions in the civil services like the Indian Administrative Service (IAS). While the allure of prestigious roles like the IAS is undeniable, it is imperative to recognize that the youth possess immense potential to catalyze economic growth and social development through entrepreneurial endeavors. By venturing into entrepreneurship, they not only create employment opportunities for others but also inject fresh ideas and innovation into the economic landscape. Yet it is crucial to acknowledge the pivotal role played by institutions like the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) in ensuring merit-based selection for critical positions within the bureaucracy.
The UPSC serves as a cornerstone of the nation’s administrative machinery, facilitating the recruitment of individuals who possess the requisite skills and competencies to steer the country towards progress. Therefore, while advocating for entrepreneurship, it is essential to strike a balance and recognize the significance of a capable and efficient civil service in governance and nation-building. Moreover, the youth are not merely passive participants in the socio-economic fabric of society; they are the bridge between generations, entrusted with the responsibility of synthesizing the wisdom of the past with the dynamism of the present. This role demands a comprehensive understanding of societal needs and challenges, coupled with a commitment to innovation and progress. The youth must harness their knowledge and skills to pioneer groundbreaking solutions that address pressing issues facing industries and improve the quality of life for all members of society.
In today’s context, the youth exhibit a remarkable fervor for environmental conservation and sustainable living. From conscientiously disposing of waste to advocating for renewable energy initiatives, they exemplify a heightened sense of environmental stewardship. This ethos extends beyond individual actions to encompass collective movements aimed at fostering a more sustainable and ecologically responsible society, the notion of nation-building transcends conventional paradigms, offering the youth diverse avenues through which they can contribute to the collective welfare. While some may choose to pursue political leadership roles, others may opt to serve the nation by joining non-governmental organizations (NGOs) or community-based initiatives. The essence lies in recognizing that each path, whether political or organizational, presents unique opportunities to effect positive change and contribute meaningfully to the betterment of society.
conclusion, the role of youth in shaping a sustainable society is multifaceted and profound. It entails a commitment to entrepreneurship, innovation, environmental stewardship, and active participation in nation-building endeavors. By harnessing their energy, creativity, and sense of responsibility, the youth hold the key to unlocking a future characterized by prosperity, equity, and harmony with the natural world. It is through their collective efforts that the vision of a sustainable society can be transformed into a tangible reality.
(The author is Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) State Office Secretary Manipur)

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