The Changing Global Narratives and Realties at the Corona’s times

By – Chalamba Kshetri

How should I portray the Post-Corona junctures? The most applicable description would be Chaotic, Devastated and Exhausted. Every sector had been impacted by this chameleonic Virus,(SARSCOVID-19).
A lot of entities had changed and resulted because of the Pandemic. The World we knew before COVID – 19 is gone. The Crisis has put entire Countries under lockdown, shattered countless businessman, killed hundreds of thousands of people’s lives.The total estimated death due to Coronavirus disease is more than 13 million worldwide and still soaring ahead. Cases of the disease are continuing to surge in many countries, while others which had initial success in suppressing the outbreaks are now beholding rise again.
Global Coronavirus Cases & Mortality –
World Health Organization ( W.H.O ) foresaw and conûrm that Latin America is the epicentre of the Pandemic currently. Brazil has the second-highest number of cases in the World after the United States and has recorded more than 100,000 deaths. Cases in Columbia, Peru, Argentina and Venezuela had increased drastically. Besides, Latin America, Iran is another country that has been badly hit. Nearly 20,000 death toll has been conûrmed and the cases are not reducing rather increasing. For the African Continent, South Africa and Egypt have seen the Catastrophic outbreaks so far, with South Africa one of the Seven Countries in the World to record more than 500,000 conûrmed cases. Several Countries across Europe have reported a recent rise in cases. Spain and France are two countries in the European Continent which happened a large number of cases and death. But when we look at Continent wise, Europe is somewhat fortunate comparing to others in case of Infections,death tolls.
As for our Country India, it has recorded about 2.5 million cases so far and is averaging more than 60,000 new infections everyday at the moment. The World’s Second most populous country has the fourth-highest death toll but is continuing to ease public restrictions despite the spike in cases. A number of countries have reimposed localised lockdown in their worst-affected regions, and there have been renewed appeals for people to wear masks and follow social distancing rules.When we looked at the countries which appeared to have controlled this outbreak initially like Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Australia have surge cases again.
Coronavirus impact on politics, economy & society –
Coronavirus has changed the Global Narratives of International Relations and affected the Political Systems of different countries which had led to Suspension of Legislative activities, Deaths of Multiple Politicians, Rescheduling of Elections due to fears of spreading the virus. At least 84 countries have declared the State of Emergency in response to the Pandemic leading to fears about misuse of Power. According to a cla by Reporters Without Borders, 38 Countries have restricted Freedom of Press due to the consequences of COVID-19 Virus.The United States has criticised the Chinese Government for it’s handling of the Pandemic which claimed to began in the Chinese Province of Hubei. It had raised tensions and political disputes between China and the United States. The World Health Organization, the body which had lead to the handling of Pandemic of COVID – 19 has been severely blamed and defamed by the United States for the nature of discrimination, racist, and blindly supported all the Chinese doings. Due to this nature, the United States President Donald Trump administration had announced to withdraw and cut off support and funding to W.H.O. Diplomatic relations between Japan and South Korea worsened following Japan mandatory announcement that anybody coming from South Korea will be placed in two weeks quarantine at the Government designated sites. As a result of the outbreak, over 1,450,000 South Korean people of President Moon- Jae- In due to his Government sending masks and medical supplies to China to aid them in their response to the virus outbreak. Cold Wars and Political Disputes has increased between Hong Kong and China, India- China, Nepal- India, North Korea- South Korea, The Crisis and turmoil in the Middle East, China’s ambitions for territorial expansion. The so-called ‘ Super Power ‘ race between big countries like Russia, China, America had been impacted in Coronavirus periods.
Several countries utilized lockdowns to ûatten the curve of the COVID-19 infection.These lockdowns meant conûning millions of Citizens to their homes, shutting down the business and ceasing all economic activity. The Pandemic has pushed the Global Economy into a Recession, which means the economy starts shrinking and growth stops. In the cases of the United States alone, more than 36 million have ûled for unemployment. Countries such as Japan, UK, Germany, Italy are meeting with a similar fate. Many noted Economist predicts that advanced economies have been hit harder. China’s GDP dropped by 36.6 percent in the ûrst half of 2020, while South Korea export fell by 5.5 percent. In Europe, the GDPs of Spain, France and Italy fell by 21.3, 19.2 and 17.5 per cent respectively. Global oil prices had fallen down drastically, Disruptions of Supply Chain, Border Delays, Food Security concerns had affected the export value of different countries. It is believed that it was the worst form of Global Economy Downgradation since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Still, the World is hopeful that if the pandemic fades in later parts of the year then it claimed to have or expected to Global Growth to rise to 5.8 % next year.
The Coronavirus is changing the lives of Individuals and the Coexistence of the many. Social Distance is regarded as the highest Civic Sense.There is the rarity of the large gathering, many weddings, sporting events or concerts are gagged and subdue. Malls, Gyms, Restaurants and even Places of Worships banned due to Pandemic. Responsible Health Authorities has recommended some precautionary measures such as regular hand washing, or hand sanitizer, maintaining coughing etiquette. Government of different Countries postponed all types of Religious, Cultural, Social, Political Mass Gatherings events indifferent parts of the world. Some widely accepted events such as Hajj, Olympic Games, Different Leagues of Games have suspended with the notion to avoid mass gatherings.
The race for the Vaccine –
As the Human Race were on the verge of possible extinction and deterioration, Vaccination is the only way to solve this mystery. We had expected to developed Vaccine within a limited time frame and cure this Virus, a situation which is badly needed at this rate of time. But the time to develop and market a vaccine is widely seen to be between 10 to 15 years. But the effort among researchers across Countries and Continents now is to cut that time down to12-18 months. Which is why experts suggest a Coronavirus Vaccines could be available at least by 2021. Roughly 140 Coronavirus Vaccines are currently in development Globally, according to W.H.O and more than 25 have started clinical trials. Most notable contender of the development of Vaccines is University of Oxford’s U.K. in partnership with Astra Zeneca ( a biotech company), United State’s Moderna, Germany’s Pûzer. All these leading contenders claimed that they had ûnished phase two and three trial.They pressed the assurance that if all these trials and drugs prove to save and effective then they have high hope that the vaccine will be ready by early next year.
Surprisingly, Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia propose that they had produced the ûrst Coronavirus Vaccine in the World which they claimed as ‘ Sputnik 5 ‘. It was produced by the Gameleya Research Institute in collaboration of Russian Defence Authorities. Since announcing the Vaccines, lots of criticism and scepticism had been raised by Experts and Scientist with the safety and concern of the Vaccine. However, Putin reiterated that the Vaccine itself works wonder assuring that the Vaccine itself works wonder assuring that one of his daughters had given the doses insisting optimistically. Some Countries had reacted positively to this whole dilemma others do not. Vietnam, Israel, Serbia have said they are interested in buying and dealing with the Vaccine whereas the United States, Germany,Kazakhstan have expressed their doubts about the safety of the Vaccine.
Russia has said that Industrial production is expected from September and that it plans to manufacture 5 million doses per month by year-end.Whatever it maybe we have to be patient and optimistic developments to appear and prepared for the new Post Pandemic Structure to come.

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