PM Narendra Modi’s dedication and vision towards the country inspires all

By: Vinod Chandrashekhar Dixit
Since being elected the prime minister in 2014, Narendra Modi has celebrated every birthday in a unique way. This year, BJP is planning an extensive programme for PM Modi’s birthday and for this he has given instructions to all the party workers and leaders to celebrate it as “Seva Pakhwara”. “Seva Pakhwara” will be celebrated from September 17 till the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, on October 2. Eight cheetahs will also be sent to India from Namibia where they will be personally welcomed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his birthday. PM will release these cheetahs into the Kuno National Park in Madhya Pradesh on his birthday.
In 2015, Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Shauryanjali, a military exhibition to mark the golden jubilee of Indo-Pak War of 1965. In 2016, on his 66th birthday, he flew down to Gandhinagar to meet his mother Heeraben to seek her blessings. In 2017, he dedicated the mega Sardar Sarovar Dam project to the nation amidst chanting of Vedic hymns by students. In 2018, he spent his 68th birthday at his parliamentary constituency Varanasi with school children. In 2019, he kick-start his 69th birthday by celebrating the water level in the Sardar Sarovar Dam at Kevadiya in Narmada district reaching its highest capacity at 138.68 metres for the first time since its height was raised in 2017. In 2020, due to COVID pandemic, PM Modi’s birthday remained low-key. The BJP organised a number of events, aimed at public service, across the country to celebrate the Indian Prime Minister’s birthday as ‘Sewa Divas’. In 2021, his 71st birthday was celebrated with ‘Sevaaur Samarpan Abhiyan’ from September 17 to October 7, the day PM Modi was sworn in as the Chief Minister of Gujarat for the first time in 2001. 71,000 diyas (earthen lamps) were also lit up at Varanasi’s Bharat Mata Temple in Kashi.Last year, BJP had aimed to make the birthday historic by setting a record of the maximum number of COVID-19 vaccine inoculations on the day. With over 2.50 crore COVID-19 vaccine doses administered, India created a world record of the highest number of COVID jabs in a day on the occasion of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s 71st birthday last year.
A leader, who had emerged through struggles and hardships, has special respect among the masses. This is exactly the case with PM Modi. As a child, his life was hard and poverty-ridden. Having faced poverty in childhood, he is well aware of the difficulties faced by the poor of India and is able to effectively address their grievance as the Prime Minister. Modi, a right-wing Hindu nationalist, is counted as independent India’s most powerful and popular leader, whose strongman image has won him hordes of friends and detractors in the culturally and religiously diverse country of 1.4 billion people. BJP aim to reach out to the maximum people so that the people become aware of their policies and they also know that there is a PM whose birthday is celebrated among common people.He is one of the popular world leaders, and people from other countries like the US also admire him and respect him. His ideology and the way of expressing his thoughts in public has a remarkable impact on the people. Modi, who is known for his free-speaking abilities in public, has always inspired the younger generation with his powerful and optimistic speeches. His speech easily connects with the common masses that motivates them to achieve their goals. So, on his birthday, take a look at a few of his motivational and inspiring quotes. He is a ‘People’s Leader’ dedicated to solve the problems of people and improve their well-being. Nothing is more satisfying to him than being amongst the people, sharing their joys and alleviating their sorrows. His powerful ‘personal connect’ with the people on ground is complemented by a strong online presence. Even those from the opposition praise Modi for his conduct and oratorical qualities. He has an exceptional quality to connect to the masses, especially with the poor and marginalized sections. His oratorical skills have made him so popular that his rallies are attended by thousands, sometimes even millions of his supporters.He is a different Prime Minister altogether as he is not bound by unnecessary traditional protocol. His intent is to deliver governance to the people at their doorsteps.
Modi is inspired by the motto of ‘Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas’ and aims to build a development-oriented and corruption-free governance. Initiatives like Aadhaar, UPI and Digi locker, which ensure faceless, cashless and paperless Governance, are a few steps towards the digital India.Modi’s popularity and his appeal among the masses are evident from the fact that almost every household in the country has a toilet today.   He is himself is a role model to many citizens around the globe. He is a ray of hope for many Indians who consider him as their role model. He has managed to sustain this faith and trust, and it points towards the assertion that Modi has delivered according to their expectations. Before Modi, no leader made an effort to introduce fitness into daily lifestyle. He is the first Prime Minister who encourages people to lead a fit and healthy life. 
Working hard is one of the significant qualities displayed by world leaders. That is what makes people confide in them and respect them. His approach is of improving the living standards of people by bringing them prosperity. Narendra Modi is no exception – he works late hours at night and sleeps only for a couple of hours.He never hesitates in making a decision and that is a major factor behind his popularity. It is vital for a leader to understand the pulse of the nation and instil confidence in its people. His ‘Make in India’ and ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’ programmes will in the long run make India self-reliant and an economic powerhouse. There are very few leaders in the world who are as charismatic and as popular as Narendra Modi. It is true that a leader is made after years of struggle and hardship and a life spent in the public domain.On his 72nd Birthday, we pray God to bless Hon’ble PM Modi with a long life , strength & activeness , so that India could achieve its old glory & leadership to establish peace in world under his leadership.

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