Petty Politics of Urea!

By: Yengkhom Yensouba
The perennial problem. Why feedback of chaos every coming year? A problem with no solution! Or no solution only in Manipur! Reports and insights suggest the fishy power game affecting constituencies and innumerable localities. The problem of this distribution mismanagement varies from place to place like inception with power inequalities but sooner or later cascading socio-economic effect is inevitable.
The test of patience and civilizing nature of affected farmers seem to peter out as there arealleged favouritism, nepotism and dirty politics spreads out and envelope now and then. Why there is no political will to solve this or do those indulged reap profits substantially in long term? Why can’t it be sold in the market like other commodities? Concern authorities reply please. Or are you on puppet strings? If you(govt.) claim we are in democracy, be publicly accountable, transparent and solve once and for all, as public is unaware of many dynamics.
The consequences of uneven distribution in places like granary of Manipur will haunt sooner or later as a whole. Timely distribution is what matters. In some areas, feels like: Urea of the people, by the MLA and for the MLA workers & cohorts.I am afraid public now be charged of shortage after inviting trouble. Idealism, emotions and ground-realities doesn’t always go hand-in-hand. Being an enthusiastof Do-Nothing Farming, in Masanobu Fukuoka’sThe One-Straw Revolution, I detest chemicals yet transforming overnight will be another disaster.

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