My Drama Behind Marriage

By: Joshila Takhellambam
Firstly, I would like to ask a simple question to all the readers: “What is the life of a woman?” I think that everyone might know some basic answers just by observing some basic importance. But today, I would like to throw Himalayan lights on what it is like to be in the life of a woman. It’s not only because I am a woman, but it’s the only thing that I was very fond of in the life of every single woman in this vast world. Many of you might question why only women but not men. It’s because I never ever wanted to be on the side of the culture that I was born into, i.e. women should be compulsorily married. Or in a lighter way, unmarried women are not taken very seriously.
And also with the phrases like “NUPI DI NUPA GI KHUYA KHADA LEIGADABANI.” Their independent way of life is completely abolished from the very first day that they are married, well! I am not coming out very arrogant saying that all men are the same and they all treat women heartlessly but to most of those who can be examples of my article.
In this world today, almost all the people think that “Marriage” is something people can’t live without, like ‘a pen and a notebook, a plant on the roots.’ I know if my parents were not married, my existence wouldn’t be a possibility. But why can’t we push marriage from being compassion to a choice. The other thing that really irritates me a lot is the fact that a woman’s happiness is completely dependent on the mood of their husband. Such people don’t even think for a second that there are many women who want to live their life independently, not under the control of anyone, anybody till death. Just like all men, we do also have dreams, huge dreams where it’s beyond marriage. If marriage is becoming a hindrance to most of those women who love to achieve something huge, I think it should be given as a choice. I know, there is not law of the land stating that all women have to be married compulsorily by the constitution of India but the social stigma’s waves are very strong in this regard.
Taking it further on, the stigma never stopped there. Even in 2022, boys and girls can’t be friends is nothing old. A lot of people see it as flirting. As long as there is a wall in between, equality will be nothing but an illusion or something people will never achieve. That’s why a lot of males are trying to use it to their advantage just to catch the attention of some stupid girls. The fundamentals of comfort are now being used as a bait to trap the fishes.
Even with all this anger in me, I am not trying to underestimate the importance of a father in life but it’s the choice – not in having one but being one. I was raised right by my parents, I know if it weren’t for them to sacrifice many – it’ll never be this way. Even looking at the rate of population rising throughout the world, I guess people should stop making it seem like 31 years of age for a woman is the time where they need to be a mama for at least one or two kids.
(The writer is a class 12 student of Emmanuel English Academy, Yaingangpokpi, Imphal East.)

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