Live the story you design: You are the author of your life!

By – Thangminlun Haokip
Have you been living a life of mishap and hassle- filled with gratification and discontentment, a life which you think is not worth enough to live forth, thinking that there is no more hope destined for you? I hope and pray that this piece of ‘really- happening’ small article of mine would change your view on the aspect of how you live – on the conduct of your life.
You must have been stressed up during this untamed- pandemic crisis, stressed up with your monotonous-daily routine at home or at your work place, lost the taste and energy of a spirited-like talk with your family, friends and all around you all round the clock, filled with the emotion of boredom, not realising that you’ve got the potential and supreme power to command over your life, which everyone is gifted the same but not everyone give their time to benefitting and purposeful works .But the simplest truth and solution behind all these ‘ugly lifestyle’ of you which you think then believe that you’ve no control over them, when you are the only person in the whole universe who have the right key to unlocked this ’impossible locked door’ of yours and you have the power to change and create the life you’d been dreaming to become of.
Susan C. Young, a positive impact , change expert, and an author, rightly quoted, “You are the author of your own life”, which encircles in every spheres of our life, emphasising on how one should realise that we are the problems and solutions to all challenges we face in life and that we have the rightful power to control our way of living- the same way the author of a book writes his own way, in a way that is attractive and an inspiration for all. You are the one who is solely in charge of your life, you hold the keys to success- to be contented, you can create the life of your dreams, and you can live in whichever you choose. People do not realise that they dictate how they live. I never knew I was capable of shaping the way I live until I became exposed to what is out there. The job you work in, the way you live, the people you surround yourself with is all your choice. You are the creator of your life, so why not create the best possible life for you. There are certain things with which you are destined, things which cannot be changed and nothing done doable about it. However, effort is something which you are in charge of; effort is something you put in, so make no excuses about destiny if you are not putting in any effort.
You are the author of your book. Yesterday is gone, close that chapter and write a new chapter full of success and contentment. Life is what you make out of it, so make it the best and know that you have greatness within you that is waiting to be awakened. Demand the best for yourself. Raise the bar and push yourself and stay consistent on this journey of awakening. We can get easily distracted and lose focus on the ultimate goal, if you don’t take a stand for your life- no one is going to give you anything; you must get up and create the life that you seek. We are all capable of achieving anything to become the person we want to be.
You must learn to re-write your story. You are the sole author of your own life and have the leading role and get to determine how you interact with your supporting cast and other characters. Without realising it, you may have allowed the event in your life to write your story for you rather than taking deliberate action to write it in your own voice. At any moment have the power to say that this is not how the story is going to end. It all depends on you on how and about what you want to write about. Your life is right now! It’s not later, it’s not like ‘I’m okay for today; I’d do much better the next time’. You might as well decide to start enjoying your life right now, because it’s not ever going to get better than right now. Most of us are never fully present in the ‘now’, because unconsciously they believe that the next must be more important than this one. But then, they tend to miss their whole life, which is never now. And that’s a revelation for some people- to realise that your life is only ever now.
It’s time to take back your life from the people and circumstances that are causing you pain and making you unhappy. Let those hardships you faced be the blood (the ink) to write your story that people will see your struggles and learn from your story. When writing your story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen. Your life is your own story. You are the author. Please, write it by yourself, DON’T LET ANYONE PEN YOUR STORY.
Dream, believe and achieve. Live life to the limits. Fill your book – your life with love, happiness, adventures, and positivity. Live the story you designed. YOU ARE THE AUTHOR OF YOUR LIFE.


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