Hon’ble President’s Adaptation of Law (Amendment) Order Extending ILP to Manipur Needs A Review.

L. Ibomcha Singh
Former Secretary (Law)

On hearing the news of the notification of the adaptation of Laws (Amendment) order, 2019 extending Inner Line in Manipur by the Hon’ble President of India notified in the official gazette of Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India on December 11,2019, the people of Manipur had overwhelming joy. However, on minute scrutiny of 5the adaption order, the said joy was short-lived. There is a serious legal flaws the adaption order made by the Hon’ble President. It is a great pain and sorrow to see such legal loop holes in the said order. It seems that Union Government had wrongly exercise such power to issued such order under clause (2) of Article 372 of constitution of India. For  matters where the Hon’ble President has to exercise the legislative powers under the constitution, such casualness should not be shown by the Union Government.
To point out such legal flaws in the adaptation order are not with mala-fide intention to tarnish the image of the Hon’ble President and the union Government, but to protect and uphold the highest constitutional office of the Hon’ble President. It is due to the Union Government dealing with the matter in a hasty and casual manner without consulting and seeking proper legal advice from the appropriate legal experts.
The fact is that the Adaptation of laws (Amendment) order,2019 was issued by the Hon’ble President on 11th December,2019 in exercise of power conferred under clause (2) provides that  the Hon’ble President may for the purpose of bringing the provisions of any Law is force in the territory of India into accord with the provisions and modifications of such law as may be necessary or expedient and specify the date from which the same would
 be effective where upon such law will be effective there from, subject to such adaptation and modifications. However, in view of the provisions of clause 3 (a) of the article 372, Hon’ble President can exercise the powers under clause (2) not beyond three years from the commencement of the constitution, i.e. the twenty sixth day of November, 1949. This is not an opinion but legal proposition based on factual legal provisions. This is not an opinion but legal proposition based on factual legal provisions. In this context, Hon’ble Supreme Court in civil appeal no .4918 of 1984 decided on April 1994 (state of Sikkim vs. Surendra Prasad Sharma and others) observed that, “ Article 372 (3) (a) makes it clear that this special power conferred on the President is transitory in nature and will not enure beyond three years from the commencement of the constitution”.
In view of the above discussion, the Hon’ble  President should not have exercised his power under the said provision as per mandate of the constitution of India. Therefore, the present adaptation order for extension of ILP to Manipur is unconstitutional ,void and has no force of law. what will be the fate of the action taken on the basis of the said impugned adaptation order is very annoying.
Now , the only alternative actions to be taken by the union government to tide over from the present impasse is to introduce a Bill in ILP in the current session of the Parliament for validating the impugned adaptation order by inserting a validation clause for saving all the actions taken under the said impugned order from the date of its notification.
We want a strong ILP not a paper tiger.
For anything against the interest of the state Government and its people, we can’t remain as a mute spectator , we have to raise our voice to rectify such mistakes failing which our future generation will spit on our graveyards.
It is my earnest appeal to all the civil societies and the stakeholders to remain clam without resorting to any agitations. We may have our trust and hope to the Union Government.

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1 comment

Kameshore February 16, 2020 - 5:43 pm
ILP in whatever format cannot save the Yelhoumee Meitei of Imphal valley from the tentacles of outsiders. Hill districts have scheduled area protection. No outsiders including valley Meitei can purchase land or contest election there. The valley is like an ingkhol without any fencing. Anyone can purchase and own land or contest election. In this geopolitical reality an outsider becoming the chief minister of Manipur in the near future, like Tripura, is a distinct possibility. We've been shouting for the cause of indigenous people without knowing the meaning of it under our Indian Constitution since the last several decades. We should not bark up the wrong tree any further.
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