Give yourself time

By: Harkirat Kaur
Time is a force. It never stopped for anyone. It has been going on and will continue to go on. The tension of time is so complicated that people do not have time to scratch their heads. In the struggle to get ahead of each other, human beings have started giving all their time to their work and occupations. As a result of which human beings became estranged from themselves wherever there was a rift in human relationships. Carrying the burden of life on one’s shoulders, one forgets one’s hobbies, forgets the purpose of life. The human being, who is just busy with responsibilities and other tasks, walks away from this world and finally leaves this world.
God has given us life. This is a blessing of nature. We have the most authority over it. But all our lives we do not understand that we have to understand our own value. Nature is so beautiful, crowded, noisy drunks, running, stone cities, mobile phones, sometimes take yourself out with nature. Enjoy your sangat sometime. Try to find out who you are. Why are you And how should you be? Sit down and think about where I spent half, more than half of my life, whether I wanted such a life or not. If the answer is yes then thank God if it turns into despair after thinking then think about changing your attitude slowly.
We all live less for ourselves and more for others. We spend all our life in pleasing others, we lose our very existence, we forget ourselves. Fulfill responsibilities, take care of the family, take care of their needs, take care of their happiness too. But in the process, remember that you also have an identity.
Our happiness is our responsibility. Someone else may be the cause of it but the responsibility of making it eternal will remain ours. We can keep ourselves happy only when the smile on our face comes not because of anyone else but because of our own company.
But we can enjoy this happiness only if we give ourselves some time every day. Our daily routine should also include setting aside some time for ourselves.
Spend a few hours with nature, try to know yourself. Try to stop all the thoughts that come to your mind for a few moments. These thoughts will bother you again and again, but when you learn to sit quietly with yourself then you will feel at ease. The power to deal with every situation peacefully will come. The smile on your face will last forever which cannot be affected by high or low conditions.
That is why it is important to give yourself time.

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