For The Sake of Love

By :  Marjing Mayanglambam
Pursuing B.Sc at Dhanamanjuri University

“Today, we’ve seen many disastrous events, experienced the strong pain of separation from loved ones and cried endlessly for their demise. Today, we are in a mourning state for all those lost souls, for all those loved one, reminiscing the lovely moments we shared and cherished with them. Today, we are living with our hearts filled with sadness and love for those who we truly loved”. As a citizen of India, as a human of the world, as a son, as a friend, as a student and as a true lover of someone, the only thing I can proudly give and dedicate to all without expecting to be given back is, “Love” and that too, “Pure Love”. For there is a Buddhist saying, “When you give and expect a return that’s an investment, but when you give and expect nothing that’s pure love”. Love above all, can bring peace, prosperity, happiness, development and all the good things that one can except, if only that love is pure. Don’t be confused, dear reader when it’s said that Love can do all these things which is strongly literal and comes from the heart. Because, for someone, who says he cares none for love and does everything as a duty, he is in fact in love with his duty. An engineer designing a building to make it beautiful, strong, and safe, a Teacher teaching her students for making them learned and a strong pillar for the future, a doctor treating his patients for recovery, and every kind of work forces doing something for a better good is similar directly or indirectly to a mother taking care of and nourishing her lovely newborn to grow up, and live life as a good human being.
            With the current onsets of a pandemical global issue, it is really sad to see many loved ones separated and some, gone from the stages of life. The world is suffering and so is Mother Earth, from all the bad deeds of deterioration committed by her lovely children, humans. For the sake of love, one could conceive the idea of taking the life of their most loved ones, which is not just a literal colloquial, but a real occurrence seen in this world, with some portrayed in plays. No, we won’t blame our Mother for committing such a thing out of pure love, nor do we blame ourselves. But we do know why she suffered, and suffers, because of us. For the sake of love, let us forgive ourselves, and change ourselves to bring normalcy, peace, development, unity, and most importantly, ‘life’ in mother’s lap. All we need is love, for love can do anything, if and only if, it is true and pure. With many of the countries of the world suffering, we shouldn’t stay scared and panic, instead, we must stay strong, pray for our brothers and sisters, and spread love instead of rumors. We must spread love and support instead of giving racial comments to the people of the “Great Land”, and of course to the mongoloid brethren.
            Mother India, we may look different, eat and dress different from the rest of your children, but we are also one of your children whether adopted or not. Do remember us when in need of help or love, for we are ready to give everything we have for our distraught brothers and sisters. Just because of our distinctiveness, our siblings, your elder children, may taunt us, may be disgusted of us and make fun of us but we stay strong and thrive because we accept you as our Mother and love you as our own. Now is not the time to dwell in the gruesome past and fight for what we lost, but now is the time to move on and live with what we have and what we are in this modern world, but forget not, dear mother, for we still haven’t forgotten the past and feel the pain of being looked down upon as an adoptee. Nevertheless, we are a very proud lot, and will do anything to make you proud even though it isn’t recognized or considered. We stand with our sickened siblings and pray for their fast recovery. Jai Hind!
            Lastly, with all the world, and my country mentioned, I write this para with love to her to stay safe and strong. For you are one of the main reasons, I want to live and survive, amidst the turmoil of life, and of course the present COVID-19. With the world above me, and everything about life considered as important above me, I do keep you so close at the bottom of my heart far away from all those pressures of life. Let thousands of disasters come, let thousands of problems come, I won’t give up, for they mean nothing to me as long as my love for you is pure and true. Dearest one, if you allow me to be your one and only, let me propose you, to accept my invitation of love, and to be my sole companion in the ages to come, and in my remaining stages of life. Being a human, to err is inevitable, and you may feel that sometimes you don’t get to have things or any feelings you desire from me, but I do promise that you will never be void of all the love I can give and all the care I can give, and will try my best to make you live a life you won’t never ever regret, with you at my arms. I’m so blessed to have met you and so lucky, to be loved by you. Let our love be an example for others to live life happily. As a man, I live for three main reasons, My Parents, You and My Life.
For the sake of love,
Let there be peace and fast recovery!
To Eshanou Langlen,
I love you to the moon and back!

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