War against corruption – Chief Minister’s stand

Promises to assure Manipur – a corrupt Free State is not a new one for Chief Minister N. Biren Singh. The first time when he became the Chief Minister of Manipur, N. Biren Singh has taken up various measures to fight corruption. It was in his period that an anti-corruption cell was established under his direct supervision. Later, he strengthened the state Vigilance Department. Later, in April 2018, N. Biren Singh government re-designated the State Vigilance department as the Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Department under the direct administrative control of the Chief Secretary. The effort to control the corrupt practice by government officials however received various criticisms as some major issues could not be taken up due to political pressures. That might be perhaps due to the nature of the coalition government. As BJP didn’t get the absolute majority and had to depend on other political parties.
The same zeal continues in the mind of N. Biren Singh. And perhaps that might be the reason for him to declare repeatedly that he will not make any excuses for any form of corruption since the day he was re-elected with his party BJP getting more than the magic number. Soon after he was unanimously elected as the Chief Minister for the second term on March 21, N. Biren announced to his people that he will start fighting corruption from his family members, relatives, and friends. It is like “no mercy” to any form of government.
It was yesterday while speaking at a public meeting, he once more vow that he will not tolerate any form of corruption. As the Chief Minister had time and again announced to the public that he will take all possible measures to ensure that ‘corruption’ is wiped out of the state, there are reasons to believe that Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, in his second term will surely do something to wipe out corruption from the soil of Manipur. People now believe that he will also take up pending issues of corruption and take up appropriate measures to punish all the guilty , no matter the persons committed the crime when he or she was in service.
Now, people across the state from all sections are waiting and watching the promises of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh. Well, the Chief Minister may be thinking of strengthening the statutory bodies like the Manipur Information Commission, the Anti-corruption cell as well as the Vigilance Commission, and also the Lokayukta. As these are the tools to fight corruption.
On the other hand, there are reasons to be skeptical of what the chief Minister had stated as many of the recruitment exams are yet to be declared. There are rumours about Ministers, Commissioners, and some influential people pressuring the government official for appointment of their near and dear ones. There are reports of some Ministers or high-ranking government officers as well as political workers pressuring the officials of the Social welfare department to select the candidates of their choice. If the recruitment exam for Supervisors and other post at the Social Welfare Department, Government of Manipur, conducted on Sunday, is fair and if the post is elected based on merit basis without the interference of any Ministers, MLAs, or top Bureaucrats of political workers, then people will consider that Manipur’s Chief Minister N. Biren Singh is serious about what he told and people may aspect a government free from corruption under his leadership.
Let’s make all things go well under the Chief Minister of Manipur, N Biren Singh.

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