Unsettle crisis

The one thing that the people of the state would perhaps be pining for at present is “if only….”.
 If only-the state government would have heeded the protests of the people and the opposition at the outset before any instrument is being finalized either for settling of the vex Naga issue. If only- the state government have understand the emotion of the public. If only- the state government have been more transparent in its dealings, especially when it concerns the interest of the public. If only- the state government have recollect the series of events that occurred in the state as the fall of wrong decision that hurt the sentiments of the people.
The present situation is a result of the failure of the state government to perform its most basic function- that of ensuring the welfare of its people- economically and politically. The perennial effort to appease the central government and to be in its good books, and worse still, to maintain and increase their coterie of unscrupulous racketeers and swindlers to do their dirty deeds and biddings have distanced the so called peoples’ representatives from the public. Distrust, suspicion and lack of communication increases as a result.
The declaration by the major civil society organization of the state as well as the main opposition political parties including Congress to convene a special state assembly session to discuss the issue and to take a consensus harms none to the ruling BJP led govt. as it is a matter of the state.
The voice of the opposition on the present steps being taken up by the state government  as not trustworthy conveys the manner in which the public have come to view those at the helm of affairs. It would not be an exaggeration to state that the present set of ministers and MLAs has shifted their focus from governance towards profiteering. Every single activity is being carried out on consideration of money and personal benefits and nothing else. The practice had thus been institutionalized leading to a trickle-down effect.
When thoughts about how to remain in power filled the mind of those ruling the state, bureaucrats and other political advisor had failed to give good advice to the ministry regarding the development to see from the perspective of the Constitution. The issue of Article 370 and Article 35 which give special status to the state of Jammu and Kashmir has been not studied. Counter arguments which could be established from the angle of the constitution of India which is being pending in the highest court of the country has not been studied well.  
Nothing is better when it come to the welfare of the state. Already academic activities of the Higher studies have been put to halt due to the failure to understand the sentiments of the people of the state particularly to those of the Manipur University Community.
The state is at a standstill as of today, and the hardest hit lot would have to be the people of the state when any decision has been taken by the parliament that divides the state in terms of administration. The need of the hour is to convey the message to the central government that the state of Manipur still is united over its emotional issues of integrity, for that a consensus of the state assembly is needed besides the earlier resolutions adopted as certain changes has been seen taken up to solve the issue of the NSCN-IM.  
Could the state government kindly enlighten the public as to the rationale behind such a consideration? Does it still believe that it can somehow wriggle itself out of its present quandary?
2019 is not far from today and the beauty of democracy is that certain issues which were not handled with extreme seriousness understanding the mindset of the people often ruin the fate of any political party. The alternative isn’t much comforting either, with most of the leaders being outcasts of the present government or ones who have been discarded by the people- a classic case of old wine in new bottle. The ultimate responsibility of protecting the interests of the public will therefore come down to us, the general public through our judicious choice of representatives who can dig deep and fight our fight, not someone who can shell out the highest bid for our mandate.

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