Unfolding the menace of the Health Department in fighting COVID-19

Twenty-six more people were tested positive with novel coronavirus as per an official report from the state Health Department. What is alarming is the contraction of the virus to one police officer, who has been fighting to contain the spread of the virus as front line warrior. Thankfully the remaining positive cases are from among those returnees from outside the state who were on quarantine. As per the official report released yesterday, the total figures of people tested positive with the novel coronavirus have reached 1260. The number is expected to rise today, and this time there may likely be reports of COVID-19 positive cases from among the community with no travel history, particularly from Jiribam area.
Till 4 pm today, reports about new cases have not been made available to media houses, for reason best known to the State health department authority. In the war against the invisible enemy, disseminating information is also a tool if desires to win. However, despite knowing it the state health departments take almost all possible time to delay the release of the updated report, and for that reason evening, daily newspapers are always deprived of getting the report. The state DIPR should inform the Health directorate authority that there are around half dozen evening daily newspapers that are registered with the registrar for New Paper of India (RNI).
By delaying or perhaps concealing the report in connection with the development of COVID-19 crisis there seems like something fishy going on. The way things are practicing indicated that these people may have fear of letting the public knew the loopholes in tackling the pandemic. Already there has been a lot of criticisms to the way that the Quarantine centers are being run in the state. After a report about the bulk of people tested positive from the same quarantine center, there has been a lot of apprehension among the people on the probable conversion of quarantine centers as a “hot spot “ for the spread of the virus.
It is pertinent to note that 26 persons including a frontline warrior have been tested positive yesterday. However, an official release said that Thirty Two (32) people affected by the virus have been admitted at various COVID care facility (Isolation wards) on the same day. The report showed that six (6) persons who had been tested positive with the coronavirus had spent at least a day at the quarantine center that they have been staying with other inmates. It is not hard-saying that these other inmates who have been staying with the 6 persons tested positive are put in extreme risk.
Interestingly, when the state health Department authority released an updated report for COVID-19 , no reason has been mentioned on why the 6 persons who were tested with the virus have not been shifted to the isolation wards. Besides, there has not been any mention of the police officer from Jiribam who have been tested positive.
The war against the unseen enemy will only be won by a collective effort from all sections of the community. This was often stated by the Chief Minister as well as other top-ranking government officials. If that is so why there is no transparency on the side of the state health department to the kind of various measures that they had been taking up to fight the pandemic. It is worth mentioning that there has never been a press briefing session to let the media relay on what has been taken up by the health department authority to contain the pandemic or providing treatment.
As per the released from the state Health Department on Wednesday late hours all together six hundred eighty-one (681) people who have been tested with the virus have been lodged at different COVID care facilities (Isolation ward).
One wander, why the state health department authority has not revealed the conditions of those in the isolation ward. How many of these are symptomatic and how many are asymptomatic? How many ventilators have been utilized so far? How many health workers are being assigned at all COVID care centers? Who are these health workers assigned, Are they contractual workers or regular workers?
Who are the people working at VRDLs of RIMS and JNIMS? If they are contract workers, what is the benefit assured to them? Many questions which the people need to know are being concealed for reason best known to them
The state health department has never released or brief the media on the number of doctors, nurses, paramedics, helper etc. engaging at COVID care centers.
What is more surprising is the notification by the Principal Secy. health at which he stated that doctors who are mandatory for quarantine after duty should bear their expenses.
This is a clear indication of insincerity towards the side of the health department in fighting the dreaded virus.

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