Understanding value of ‘Time’ and ‘Money’; It is the govt. that should make people understand

While celebrating the completion of 4 years of governance in the state of Manipur, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh has rightly stated that – the state of Manipur will move forward only when both those in the government as well as the general public understand the value of ‘time’ and ‘money’.
Well said and we do believe that all the people as well as those in the government follow what the chief minister had said.
In reality, except some few, almost all the people across the state lacks financial literacy – which means that many still fails to utilize their money properly. May be some family have proper financial planning on how many money is required to run their family in accordance to their income. But majority of the family don’t plan financial expenditure that their family required as per their income. Most rich people, who have surplus money – no matter where he or she earn first priority to earn more with easy means. And in today’s Manipur investing to private company who promises huge interest ranging from 3% to 8% are common without even enquiring on the legitimacy of that company or private banks.
What is the irony is that when many are investing money to unrecognized sectors, more and more people are seen coming to the road just to get few money by doing whatever work that is available. When one compares the number of persons – both men and women, it is a common sense to understand that the economy condition of majority of the people is not good.
Either these people lacks understanding the value of time and money or those who invest or in simple words ‘lends money’ to self style company or private banks have were financially illiterate, most people now have become slaves of some few who claimed to have use time and money properly.
As chief minister himself has stated about the proper utilization of time and money, the government certainly need to do something to make all people understand the value of time and money. Besides, the government should literate the people on the matter of financial management not necessarily by introducing as a course at school or college syllabus, but by using all available media to make sure that it reaches to those people who live in the most interior district or to make sure that the matter reaches to the poorest of the poor.
Economic growth should be the priority and lip service will not make people happy who cannot even afford a daily bread without going out for a work.
When people coming out in the street for earning daily wages reduced there will be applause from all section to the N. Biren singh government. Saying so we cannot deny the kind of service provided by the government in this few years to make the people live happy life.
For example , as according to the Chief Minister connection of tap water has been increase a lot. He said in 2019 there were only 5.75% houses connected with tap water and it has been increase to 46.73%. This should be appreciated. But when one look deeper, are the people really enjoying the facilities provided by the government. The tap water come only once or twice in a month which is not enough for a family to use. When asked about why the water has been stopped releasing the answer is that there is no water from those staff at ground. So, having left with no choice almost all household buy water at the cost of Rs. 500/- per 2000 liters. Unnecessarily, people spend extra Rs. 500 or more in a month. And no wander from where the small tanker manage to get water when the government authority at the reservoir said that there is no water.

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