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Time for Decisive Action in Manipur

by Editorial Team
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Time for Decisive Action in Manipur

The ongoing crisis in Jiribam and across Manipur demands urgent attention and decisive action from the state’s leadership. As the Home Minister of Manipur, Chief Minister N. Biren Singh has every reason to visit Jiribam. His direct engagement with the affected areas and communities can bring much-needed hope and reassurance to the people.
Recent incidents, including the ambush on the Chief Minister’s convoy and the targeted attacks by Kuki militants, highlight the gravity of the situation. With militants systematically attacking key infrastructure and instilling fear among civilians, the district administration and security forces are clearly overwhelmed. The response so far has been inadequate, and the escalating violence underscores the need for stronger, more effective measures.
In this context, the concern shown by RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat over the crisis in Manipur is significant. His seriousness about the situation brings a national spotlight to the issues plaguing the state. This is an opportune moment for Chief Minister N. Biren Singh to take decisive action. The support and influence of the RSS Chief can provide the necessary backing to implement robust strategies aimed at restoring peace and stability.
It is also worth noting that the Union Home Ministry, under its current leadership, has not adequately addressed the crisis in Manipur. While this neglect is concerning, the involvement of influential leaders like the RSS Chief can help bridge the gap and drive meaningful intervention.
Chief Minister N. Biren Singh must capitalize on this moment. The trust and hopes of the people rest on his shoulders, and his actions now will determine the future course of the state. The Chief Minister’s visit to Jiribam, backed by the support of RSS Chief Mohan Bhagwat, can mark the beginning of a concerted effort to end the violence and bring lasting peace to Manipur.
In conclusion, it is imperative that Chief Minister N. Biren Singh acts now. With the RSS Chief’s concern and potential influence, there is a unique opportunity to address the crisis effectively. The people of Manipur need strong, decisive leadership, and the time for action is now.

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