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The Path to Lasting Peace in the Kuki-Meitei Conflict

by Editorial Team
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The Path to Lasting Peace in the Kuki-Meitei Conflict

The prolonged conflict between the Kuki and Meitei communities in Manipur highlights the challenges of achieving sustainable peace. Temporary measures such as segregating the communities and stopping clashes can provide short-term relief, but they are not a comprehensive solution. The real path to lasting peace lies in resettling the internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their respective homes and ensuring that justice accompanies this process.
The Kuki-Meitei conflict is deeply rooted in historical grievances, competition for resources, and ethnic identities. Both communities have faced hardships, violence, and displacement, leading to a cycle of retaliation and mistrust. Addressing the root causes requires acknowledging these grievances and creating a framework for dialogue and reconciliation.
Segregation of the communities may reduce immediate violence but only serves to deepen divisions and entrench hostilities. Physical separation does not address the underlying issues of mistrust, discrimination, and competition for resources. Moreover, it risks creating a permanent divide, making future reconciliation even more challenging.
Resettling IDPs to their original homes, whether in Kuki-dominated or Meitei-dominated areas, is a critical step toward healing. These resettlements must ensure the safety and dignity of the displaced individuals. This process must be accompanied by efforts to rebuild trust between the communities, such as joint community projects, inter-ethnic dialogues, and inclusive governance structures.
Peace without justice is meaningless. The conflict has resulted in numerous human rights violations, including violence, loss of property, and displacement. Addressing these grievances through a transparent and fair judicial process is paramount. Perpetrators of violence must be held accountable, and victims must receive reparations and support. Only through justice can there be a genuine sense of closure and a foundation for lasting peace.
Achieving lasting peace in Manipur requires a multifaceted approach. The government, civil society, and international organizations must work together to facilitate dialogue between Kuki and Meitei leaders to address grievances and build mutual understanding. They must ensure safe conditions for IDPs to return to their homes, with adequate security measures and support for rebuilding their lives. Establishing mechanisms to investigate and address human rights violations, ensuring accountability and reparations for victims, is crucial. Additionally, investing in the economic development of the region to reduce competition for resources and provide opportunities for both communities is essential. Promoting cultural exchange programs can build bridges between the communities and foster a sense of shared identity and mutual respect.
In conclusion, the path to peace in Manipur is not through segregation or temporary ceasefires but through justice, reconciliation, and inclusive development. By addressing the root causes of the conflict and ensuring the safe and dignified resettlement of IDPs, we can create a foundation for a lasting peace that benefits all communities.

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