The crisis: Some Legislators will surely face the music

The crisis for change of Chief Minister in the BJP led state government is deepening. As some newspaper reported – the Chair of the Chief Minister N. Biren Singh is even shakier than the earlier move by BJP dissidents.
It is co-incident that the Governor of the state Dr. Najma Heptulla has to leave the state handing over the charge to Nagaland Governor PB Acharya. Acharya before becoming the governor was an active BJP leader who was architect for strengthening of the BJP in North East, particularly in the state of Manipur. It would be no wrong to say that PB Acharya had dedicated most of his political life to groom almost every hardliner BJP karyakarta of the state.
On the other hand Dr. Najma Heptulla, the one time MP of BJP and now the governor of the state did not cross her limit and seemed to stay away from any politics of any political party. Except for the part that she invited BJP which got only 21 seat instead of Congress Party which got 28 seats, her presence as the governor of the state was neutral and everything she did was for the people of the state. For example, when the state government remained quiet, at the time when Manipur University remain crippled for almost 3 months, the governor Najma Heptulla spoke in favour of justice and did not side with the man supported by the government. Her love for the state’s rich traditional heritage is well known to everyone.
She is on leave for one month on personal reasons. After all she is also a human being and need to visit her family and daughter.
But what is interesting is that her leave coincided with the crisis grooming in the BJP led government over the demand by some BJP legislators for change of Chief Minister.  
Archarya, having experienced in this kind of practice in politics in Manipur will do the needful and settle the crisis in an amicable way, but not in the capacity of being the governor. This is just a presumption.
Well, one thing that needed to be reminded is that, it was not the peoples’ mandate that a BJP led government was formed, but it was rather the government at the centre that made BJP to form a government in the state. Critics always maintain that the present BJP led government in the state is unconstitutional. And why not? 8 Congress MLAs who had defected the Congress party and joined the BJP are still not officially BJP. They sit among the opposition as they are not officially recognized. Cases for disqualification of them are pending with the Speaker’s tribunal. Having said so everything is possible in politics, particularly in Indian democracy.
Well, the uproar of some of BJP MLA for replacing the Chief Minister is going to last for some time. The Central BJP leaders are no fools and everybody knows that all those legislators of the BJP in the Manipur Legislative Assembly chose BJP and joined it for power by leaving their original parties. The Chief Minister is from the Congress who joined the BJP, the rival Minister including Th. Bishwajit got elected as TMC in the last assembly election and later joined the BJP. Except for the first time legislators like Th Radheshyam, all have started their career at some political party of different ideology and later joined the BJP that too only when BJP came to power at the centre.
Well the crisis which has been giving headache to almost all the Ministers including the bureaucrats is for change of the Chief Minister N. Biren Singh. Question that people are asking is why some BJP Ministers and MLAs are revolting for change of Chief Minister N. Biren Singh. Has there been any scam that involved him? Has there been any report of anti people activities committed by him? (Except his controversial speech at Gujarat at which he bridged the state with the Gujarat). Or Is there any uprising against his action in the state?
In two and half years of his rule, he had made democracy meaningful by introducing many programmes to make sure almost all section of the people participate in the running of the government. Introduction of CMHT, organizing of meeting with all the people with the government every month, bridging of the gap between Hill and Plain people, these are some of the things which he did. He surely has used power for the benefit of the people. Besides, it is him and his colleague Legislators which made the ‘impossible’ , ‘POSSIBLE’ in forming the BJP led government by getting support from the MLAs of the opposition.
Well, the revolt of some of the BJP legislator appeared more about power hungers. Of now who is the leader of the dissidents who can replace N. Biren Singh. Except for some speculation no one has openly come up saying that “I have full support of the BJP MLAs to replace N. Biren Singh”. It is even reported that the same dissident MLAs had a secret pact with Congress party during MP election time to form Congress led govt in Manipur in case BJP loses power at Centre.
As mentioned in our earlier editorial, BJP being the most disciplined political party in the country, it will not easily deal this issue. They will think and act for strengthening the party. And if the dissidents continue, the central BJP leaders will leave no option but to recommend President’s Rule by keeping the assembly under animated suspension. That will be the time when people started voicing their anger against the dissidents & BJP.

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