Something is still not right

Just like the pieces of a frustrating zigsaw puzzle that has eluded solution for so long finally starting to fall into place, the real reason for the protracted sufferings and often unnecessary social and communal strains that have so far defined the life of the people of the state have slowly started to emerge.
 Allowing for doubts of political conspiracy or fallacy, if the statement issued by the BJP Manipur media secretary regarding the absence of any formal communication for assistance from the centre by the state government in connection with the economic blockades along the national highways connecting the state with the rest of the country contains even an iota of truth, then the people of the state as a whole have a very big issue to deal with, and soon.
The startling disclosure by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh of the lack of any concrete proposal by the Ibobi-led state government despite the two having met on more than one occasion and the Chief Minister even submitting a report on the economic blockade to him have more to it than meets the eye. What should one infer about the nature of administration and governance when the headlines of newspapers and trending news even on social media are about the schedule for distribution of Petrol or LPG Cylinders in the state? While the situation might possibly sound ironic and even comic for those residing outside the state, for the people in the state, the question is all about survival. Perhaps the advertisement offering a litre of petrol as incentive for buying a laptop a few years back sums up the situation beautifully.
Successive governments have waxed eloquent about their achievements and stressed on the extra efforts they have put in to bring prosperity to the state, and yet the unfortunate truth remains that in this age and day, the general public still have to scramble for the barest minimum of facilities for survival. Half the year or more is still lost to bandhs, blockades, general strikes, public curfews with unfailing regularity year in, year out. The smoothest roads, the widest highways or the ‘most modern bridge’ over a nullah holds little excitement for those who constantly have had to worry about the next petrol pump with enough stock or the grocery with the required provisions on offer.
The phenomena of ‘Economic Blockade’ is nothing new or strange, and despite the u told hardships and innumerable frustrations still continuing to be borne by the people of the state, yet the visible lack of a sustainable plan of action or initiative from the state government to put an end to the menace is a clear indication that for those in power and connection, the present predicament of the public over the availability of basic and essential commodities is of little concern or consequence.
The state government owes it to the people of the state to come out with the truth regarding its inaction on the economic blockade issue. Half-truths, concocted situations and ad-hoc measures will not cut ice with the informed public anymore. The incumbent government and any other following that will be holding the reign in the state will do well to keep in mind that the people of the state is more resilient and resourceful than they can ever imagine.
The way the general public see it, economic blockade is but a few incorrigible souls holding the state government by the balls rather than being strangled by the scruff of the neck as these souls would have everyone believe.

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