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Shame on corrupt bureaucrats: A cancer to our society

The saga of malpractices in the Education (S) Dept is just tip of the iceberg

by Editorial Team
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Shame on corrupt bureaucrats: A cancer to our society

Shameless bureaucrats have woven a web of corruption and nepotism that is strangling the state, undermining its societal fabric, and jeopardizing its future.
At the heart of this malfeasance are the bureaucrats—individuals entrusted with the administration and welfare of Manipur. Instead of serving the people, they have indulged in self-serving greed. Their corrupt practices have not only stalled development but also eroded public trust in governance. These bureaucrats, blinded by personal gain, have become the antithesis of the progress they were meant to spearhead. While politicians come and go, it is the bureaucrats who hold the continuity and stability of governance in their hands. Therefore, they must be held to higher standards of accountability and transparency.
A glaring example of such malpractices is the dubious promotion of L. Saratchandra to the positions of Superintendent Engineer and later Chief Engineer in charge in the Education (S) Department. This incident is just the tip of the iceberg, reflecting the deep-rooted corruption within the system. It highlights how merit is often sidelined in favour of nepotism and favouritism, leading to a decline in the quality of governance and public service.
Equally complicit are the lawyers of Manipur, who, instead of upholding justice, have chosen to facilitate these corrupt practices. Lawyers, who are supposed to be the bastions of truth and justice, are now encouraging the malfeasance of these bureaucrats by providing legal cover for their actions. Their professional skills are being misused to protect the guilty, further entrenching corruption and stifling any attempts at accountability.
The impact of this collusion extends beyond financial and administrative decay; it is ripping apart the societal fabric of Manipur. The corruption and nepotism practiced by these bureaucrats and lawyers have created an environment where merit is disregarded, and integrity is punished. This has demoralized honest officials and citizens alike, leading to a culture of cynicism and helplessness. The youth, who are the future of this state, find themselves disillusioned and deprived of opportunities, forced to witness the degradation of their homeland.
Adding insult to injury, these corrupt elements are now targeting the very institutions that can hold them accountable. Journalists, who play a crucial role in exposing corruption and informing the public, are being threatened with legal notices and court cases. These legal intimidations are blatant attempts to gag press freedom, a cornerstone of any functioning democracy. By trying to silence journalists, these lawyers and bureaucrats are not only protecting their interests but are also undermining the fundamental right of the people to be informed.
The actions of these lawyers are particularly egregious. While it is true that they are professionals, they also bear a moral responsibility to ensure that their expertise is not used to perpetrate injustice. Their involvement in silencing the press and shielding corrupt bureaucrats from scrutiny shows a complete disregard for the ethical foundations of their profession. They are complicit in the betrayal of Manipur, as their actions are helping to perpetuate a system of corruption and repression.
In light of these dire circumstances, it is imperative for the citizens of Manipur to rise against this tyranny. Society must mount a concerted campaign to expose these individuals who are standing against the people of Manipur. Journalists must be protected and encouraged to continue their work without fear of retribution. Civil society organizations and the general public must rally around them, providing the necessary support to resist these intimidations.
Furthermore, there needs to be a collective demand for transparency and accountability from the government. Whistleblowers within the system should be encouraged and protected, ensuring that those who speak out against corruption are not persecuted. By nurturing a generation that values honesty and accountability, we can hope to break the cycle of corruption that currently plagues the state.

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