Recipe for mayhem

Though the state of Manipur is small in terms of its geographical boundary, it is by no means small when it comes to the amount of scandals, crimes and social unrest is concerned. As always, the state is presently gearing up for more agitations, demonstrations and protests with different groups in the society starting their varied demands. Amongst the issues likely to disrupt the already fragile social set up is the political storm that is brewing in the form of the likely disqualification of a number of MLAs from different parties on allegations of dissent. The fallout of such a move will undoubtedly adversely affect the political stability and further hinder the workings of the state government, if nothing else. Another burning issue waiting to spill over into a major crisis that will definitely arrest development and cripple the state government is the one concerning the demand for the implementation of Inner Line Permit system in the state. Apparently, almost every social organizations, groups of individuals, student bodies etc. have been drawn into the simmering cauldron of long repressed emotions, and as if on cue, crimes committed by non locals in the state have reportedly increased manifold in recent times, adding greater legitimacy to the ongoing agitations. Whether these reportedly increasing crimes by the non locals are a result of greater vigil and alertness by the media and the society, or that of the failure of those responsible for maintaining and enforcing law and order in the state, thus emboldening and encouraging these migrants is a matter that needs to be looked into more thoroughly. Yet another protracted and rather sensitive issue threatening to disrupt the social order yet once again is the demand for repeal of Armed Forces Special Powers Act. (AFSA)1958. The state has seen unprecedented upheaval and unrest in spurts and is still poised for another episode, with the dropping of the suicide charges on Irom Chanu Sharmila who has been crusading against the imposition of AFSPA and has been demanding complete removal of the act by fasting for almost fourteen years, and the subsequent re-arrest by the police just two days afterwards. While the state government, on their part, are maintaining that they are doing everything in their power to address these issues, yet the fact remains that the public cannot feel the vibe of those in power rising up to the challenges that is threatening to rupture the fragile cover of peace and normalcy. And amidst all these emerging chaos and confusion, progress and development have taken a backseat. It will not be long before we all start feeling the heat at the realization of being left out of the race for development. It is time we overcome every obstacle with joined hands to find the road to progress instead of remaining on different sides of the fence and hurling accusations and allegations. The loss would be for everyone in the society, no matter how high and mighty or influential one might happen to be.

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