‘Prevention is better than cure’; Manipur government incapable of both

Over the past two and a half months, Manipur has found itself engulfed in a relentless and devastating wave of violence, leading to tragic loss of lives, forced displacement, and widespread destruction. The incompetence of the state lawmakers, headed by Chief Minister N Biren Singh, has contributed to the prolonged unrest, leaving the people yearning for a return to normalcy. However, the government’s response has been dishearteningly lackluster, with no tangible efforts to fulfill the wishes of the suffering communities. Instead, the measures taken so far, such as intermittent curfews, internet shutdowns, and forceful dispersal of unarmed women protesters, have only fueled frustration and anger.
The pressing question remains: What is the solution to quell this escalating violence? The government’s recent move to reopen schools, seen by many as a diversionary tactic, has received backlash from parents and intellectuals alike. Concerns over the safety of children in the midst of ongoing violence and frequent roadblocks have overshadowed any potential benefits of such an initiative. The abrupt changes in curfew timings have further compounded the dilemma for parents, particularly those without access to school vans, as they face the difficult decision of compromising their children’s safety to comply with uncertain curfew relaxation periods.
Moreover, it seems that the imposition of curfew depends on the civil society organizations involved, revealing inconsistencies in the government’s approach to managing the situation. Instances where large crowds gathered at the Chief Minister’s residence without facing curfew enforcement, contrasted with forceful actions taken against women protesters seeking peaceful dialogue, have sparked confusion and discontent among the people.
The government’s reliance on internet bans to control information flow is equally concerning. While purportedly aimed at countering misinformation and rumors, these restrictions have been imposed without a thorough understanding of their broader impact. The ban has led to job losses and compelled many to leave the state in search of work opportunities, while students struggle to access essential educational resources, including online classes.
Amidst this turmoil, the government’s lack of concrete steps to address the crisis are deeply disheartening. Despite receiving heart-wrenching accounts and witnessing the pain of the affected communities, the authorities have failed to provide effective solutions. Central lawmakers’ visits to Manipur may have demonstrated empathy, but without meaningful action, they fall short of providing the much-needed remedy.
The time has come for the government to adopt a resolute and proactive approach to tackle this crisis. This should involve engaging in constructive dialogues with all stakeholders, including civil society organizations and intellectuals to foster trust and cooperation. Transparency and inclusivity are vital to building a sustainable path to peace. Additionally, the internet ban must be reconsidered with a balanced approach that safeguards security concerns while respecting citizens’ rights to access information. The government should also urgently focus on preventive measures to address the root causes of the violence, rather than relying solely on reactive measures.
While the adage “prevention is better than cure” holds true, it is evident that the government has fallen short in its efforts to implement preventive measures. Equally concerning is the lack of concrete steps taken by the government to address the situation after the crisis emerged. As the days pass, the urgency to act grows stronger. The people of Manipur are looking to their leaders for a clear and determined strategy that offers hope for a better future. Temporary measures will not suffice to heal the wounds of this crisis. It is high time for the government to demonstrate true strength and commitment to restore peace and prosperity in Manipur. Only through proactive and decisive action can the flames of violence be extinguished, reaffirming the government’s dedication to the well-being and security of its citizens. Temporary solutions will never be able to cure what they have failed to prevent.

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