Online Expression to Maskmen Entering Homes: Rise of Goondaism in Manipur

In today’s age of digital influence, leaders from Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Manipur’s Chief Minister N Biren Singh understand and leverage the potential of social media. Their posts, adorned with picturesque locations and heartwarming tales, aim to project India and Manipur as tourist-friendly destinations, signaling progress under their governance. However, the grim underbelly of this curated reality is increasingly impossible to ignore.
While social media paints a rosy image, the situation on the ground tells a different story. PM Modi’s silence on pressing matters in Manipur is stark. Similarly, CM N Biren Singh, often seen as PM Modi’s protégé, appears to have been overwhelmed by the state’s challenges. Beyond the longstanding communal conflicts between the Zo-Kuki and Meitei communities, a more sinister issue is rearing its head: the alarming rise of gangsterism.
The streets of Manipur are no longer the peaceful avenues they once were. Masked miscreants, with seemingly no fear of the law, target civilians, vandalizing homes and properties. The audacity of these criminals reached a chilling crescendo when they attempted an abduction in Keishampat, a move that sent shockwaves through the community.
What is truly concerning is the apparent decline in law and order. For many in the valley region, it seems that these rogue elements are running rampant, effectively establishing their own rule. The security forces, whose duty it is to protect the citizens, appear to be either ill-equipped or reluctant to address the menace. A recent incident, where armed assailants stormed a civilian’s home in Keishampat, opening fire and wounding five, took place alarmingly close to the official residences of the state’s top leadership. This brazen act raises disturbing questions about the state of governance and safety in Manipur.
Moreover, the impunity with which these criminals operate is concerning. Not long ago, the home of renowned human rights activist Babloo Loitongbam was attacked, terrorizing the inhabitants and causing significant damage. Disturbingly, some of these brutalities are recorded and shared on social platforms, further showcasing the audacity of these criminals and the lack of decisive action from the police.
In bygone days, speaking out on social media platforms could land someone in custody. Fast forward to the present, and the situation seems to have escalated alarmingly: individuals are attacked in their own homes for expressing their views. This shift raises a haunting question: does the freedom of speech and expression still prevail in Manipur?
It’s universally understood that freedom of speech, while paramount, isn’t absolute. Every citizen, regardless of their location, is bound by their nation’s laws. If one oversteps these boundaries and is deemed punishable, the due process should be through the judicial system, not the whims of street-level enforcers. Yet, in Manipur, a growing contingent of self-appointed vigilantes appears to be meting out their own form of ‘justice’. Their actions suggest a dangerous void in official governance and law enforcement.
The highlighted incidents mentioned earlier are merely the tip of the iceberg. One can only imagine the numerous cases that go unreported, their victims silenced by fear or despair. The time has come for Manipur’s citizens to unify and vocally condemn this rampant hooliganism. Such unchecked behavior, if allowed to flourish, threatens to plunge the state into chaos.
The surge in crimes, particularly those perpetrated by these emboldened miscreants, casts a long shadow over Manipur’s governance. With every act of violence, with every home invaded, and every voice silenced, the question grows louder: Is there a functioning and protective government in Manipur? The state’s leaders must respond not just with words, but with decisive action, safeguarding the rights and well-being of its people. Anything less would be a disservice to the proud and resilient spirit of Manipur.

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