Myopic leaders and misplaced priorities

Now that the people of the state is unmistakably clear as to where the priority of the elected representatives lies, it is time to come together and draw up an alternative course of action- one which does not involve inconveniencing the common people only. For how would one explain away the inexplicable silence of these representatives of the people on matters which are threatening to push back the state to those turbulent and uncertain times which we unwittingly believed we moved past? Is the security or rather gain of position and power more important the life of a young child who died under suspicious and still-mysterious circumstances? Or the looming scarcity of food grains due to the drought like situation presently haunting the farmers mean little for those who have the resources to pile up on essential commodities without the slightest consideration for those who are depending on their proper discharge of duties and responsibilities to those who put them in the very position of authority and affluence?
In a country ruled by a party which has the temerity to spend thousands of crores on advertisements and image-creation rather than actual implementation of welfare projects and development schemes which are the need of the hour, it is little wonder that many of these leaders have been unduly influenced to overhype themselves and their personal opinions to the point that the observations and suggestions of subject experts and resourceful individuals have been summarily discarded. Perhaps the new political mantra dictated is ‘Self before service’.
The inability of the state investigating agency to present any development in the case of the suspicious and mysterious death of a girl child inside a private hostel has brought the state to a grinding halt once again, and the frustration of the public on the issue is unlikely to subside anytime. The silence of the leaders and the apparent attempt to wash their hands off the matter by announcing a decision to hand over the case to the central investigating bureau (CBI) does not sit well with the public either, for the very fact that each and every crime occurring in the state cannot be handed over to the central investigating agencies, and nor is it plausible.
The icing on the cake of woes for the people of the state is perhaps the news of a group of dissident elected representatives preparing to approach the masters at the centre to push forward the demand for change of leadership in the state. It stands to reason that their trust in the present leadership is gone, but the pertinent questions that need to be answered for the public are: has a more versatile and promising candidate emerged from their ranks? Are the supporters joining in the fray for the development of the state or for their personal gains? Other than personal differences, what major leadership flaws have the present CM exhibited to warrant the demand for change of leadership? Is the demand for change in any way related to the present social situation and unrest in the state?
The people of the state have been taken for a ride too often and for too long. Wasting precious time and opportunities by those who won the confidence and trust of the people will only result in outbursts of frustrations and anger. It is time to learn our lessons and change our mindsets before taking up hasty steps based on our emotions and instincts. We need to stop turning against each other to voice our concerns. We need to come together and demand answers from those who sold us dreams. Lest we forget, the real power flows from the people, and the people should have the right and the liberty to withdraw the same from any and everyone not worthy of our trust and support.

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