MU impasse: Kind attention Mr. Prime Minister

The present crisis at Manipur University over the last 23 days, putting halt to all academic related activities is uproar over the incompetency of the head of the institution.
The impact of the ongoing stalemate at Manipur University not only disturb the academic atmosphere of University but has finally started affecting to students of colleges and institutions which are affiliated to this University. This is going to be one serious issue if the concern HRD Ministry fails to tackle it immediately as there is a saying that “better late than never”.
Well and good, Joint Secretary of the Department of Higher Education, Union Ministry of Human Resource Development, Mr. G.C. Hosur has been sent to Imphal to take stock of the situation. Prime Minister Narendra Modi Government is very committed towards improving the academic curriculum of the country. He had a dreamt to make the youth of the country playing vital role in the world economy by 2022.  The present scenario which is happening in the Manipur University is nothing but an “insult to the Prime Minister Modi” and the Union Human Resource Development Ministry should find immediate solution to make the academic atmosphere return to normalcy.
What is more disappointing is hear that the Joint Secy HRD while talking to representatives of the of the Manipur University Students’ Union (MUSU) had stated that his visit to Imphal is not to solve the issue of the present impasse. May be the answer is given on the fact that the present impasse at Manipur University cannot be settled at his capacity as the matter at the University is directly against the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Adiya Prasad Pandey .
Well this is not the first time that bad news from the Manipur University has been coming in public sphere. Earlier too, the state had many times witnessed crisis which crippled academic atmosphere of the University. A Vice Chancellor was shot at leg for his alleged involvement in corruption and a VC is under CBI scanner.
Academic council of the University survives as just for name shake. No review of the syllabus, which is mandatory, has been stop since the last couple of years. Scientific data which has been changing every single second for subjects like Geography, Earth Science, and other science streams as well as the political science have not been reviewed and the data of yester year is still force to learn to the students.   
On the other hand most Vice Chancellors, outgoing as well as the present one seems to be busy in implementing and awarding contract works. The way things are happening in Manipur University showed that – the future of Manipur is to have more contractors than the academicians.
Manipur University which was once included in Grade A has been reduced. Maladministration by the authority now fails to retain university ranking. Lack of faculties now left the students with no choice but to leave the state for higher studies.
Tezpur University , which was established much latter than the Manipur University now is included in good list of the UGC. Adequate faculties in each department now produce better students.
But when it comes to Manipur University most students aspiring to go for higher studies are frustrated .
After the conversion of the Manipur University as a Central University – academic circle of the state had high hopes and there was no protest or dissatisfaction to the appointment of Prof Adiya Prasad Pandey as the Vice Chancellor as the people have full faith in the Prime Minister Narendra Modi government.
It is not about sending VC from outside the state. A competent and efficiency VC which could bring up the Manipur University at the highest level is what every people expected. Be him from abroad or any Indian state – people always expect a sincere, efficient VC. While saying so it would be wrong to say that Manipur does not have qualified professors who  deserve for the post. Our state has one of the best economists, best socialogists, Anthropologists in the country. Among the 8 selected economist at which were selected to discuss with the then president of India Dr. Abdul Kalam was from the University. Many qualified teachers have been consultant at international level.
No body from the state complaints in sending someone from outside the state but the present impasse is ignited from the immature, doctorial contract and supply oriented VC , who stayed out of station for around 20 days a month since his appointment.  
If Prime Minister Narendra Modi care about Manipur, thinking it as an integral part of the country which need to provide best education for a better India , then he should certainly interfere and replace the present VC.

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