Manipur violence will not end soon; Meitei UGs are not defeated yet

Manipur violence will not end soon; Meitei UGs are not defeated yet

The specter of violence looms large over Manipur, casting a shadow of uncertainty that shows no signs of dissipating anytime soon. Despite fleeting moments of peace, the underlying currents of Meitei insurgency persist, serving as a persistent obstacle to lasting harmony in the region. This sentiment of prolonged conflict is not merely a suspicion but a grim reality that haunts the collective consciousness of Manipur’s inhabitants.
The echoes of past conflicts, notably the Naga-Kuki clashes, serve as cautionary tales of the enduring nature of unrest in Manipur. The recent peace accord with Pambei-led UNLF could be seen in this context, yet the presence of numerous remaining insurgent groups who are still fighting against the state means that Manipur’s affairs have not concluded. The crux of the matter lies in Meitei underground groups not being militarily cornered to the point where they will end up signing peace agreements with the government. Without their defeat at the hands of the Indian state in the so-called Meitei-Kuki conflict, the cycle of violence threatens to persist unabated, trapping Manipur in a perpetual state of turmoil. It’s a grim reality that suggests a war of attrition, wherein the suffering of the Meitei people becomes an enduring feature of the landscape.
The silence of key figures in Indian politics, notably Amit Shah and Narendra Modi, serves as an ominous backdrop to Manipur’s predicament. Their passive stance suggests a calculated strategy, one that perhaps views the conflict in Manipur as a problem with no immediate solution. In the absence of proactive intervention, the suffering of Manipur’s populace is likely to endure, perpetuating a cycle of violence and despair.
In this uncertainty, the road to peace appears fraught with obstacles, and the prospect of resolution remains distant. Manipur finds itself embroiled in a protracted struggle, where the forces of discord seem to hold sway over those of conciliation. Until all stakeholders commit to genuine dialogue and concerted efforts towards reconciliation, Manipur’s aspirations for lasting peace will remain elusive.
As the days pass and the shadows of violence lengthen, the people of Manipur are left to grapple with an uncertain future. Yet, amidst the turmoil, there persists a flicker of hope — a hope that someday, the voices of reason and compassion will prevail, ushering in an era of enduring tranquility for Manipur and its resilient inhabitants. Until then, the specter of violence will continue to cast its long shadow over the land, reminding all of the urgent need for lasting peace and reconciliation.

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