Home » KKL’s Actions: A Sign of Disrespect to Film and Entertainment Professionals?

KKL’s Actions: A Sign of Disrespect to Film and Entertainment Professionals?

by Aribam Bishwajit
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The three-year ban on Soma Laisham, a prominent figure in the Manipur entertainment industry, has undoubtedly created ripples of discontent. This ban serves as a stark reminder of an underlying sentiment that individuals from the film and entertainment sector are often not recognized as professionals but are instead stereotyped as mere hedonists. Kangleipak Kanba Lup’s (KKL) proclamation that Ms. Soma would be sidelined from social functions for three years is a direct response to her role as a ‘Show Stopper’ at the North East Festival in New Delhi. While bans and bandhs might be somewhat commonplace in Manipur, the uproar this particular ban incited suggests a change in public sentiment.
Digital platforms were ablaze with criticism for KKL, accusing them of overstepping their bounds by encroaching on the personal and professional life of the actor. Many argued that Ms. Soma was utilizing her platform to amplify the voices of the Manipuri populace on a significant national stage, drawing attention from across the nation. In a state already marred by communal discord between the Kukis and Meiteis, such representation is crucial. It serves as a beacon for national awareness, especially since both the State and Union Governments have fallen short in their responsibilities.
The collective outcry from the public against KKL’s ban is heartening. It’s a clear indication that society is rallying behind those in the entertainment sector, understanding the challenges they face, especially in such turbulent times. Contrary to popular belief, not all actors in Manipur lead glamorous lives with high paychecks. The ongoing situation has further strained their finances, with many artists, including singers and performers, voluntarily refraining from their events in solidarity with the present circumstances. Their acts of protest, both passive and active, like visiting affected areas or directly speaking against governmental incompetency, deserve acknowledgment and support.
Yet, organizations like KKL seemed conspicuously silent when these artists were risking it all on the streets, only to become outspoken when someone like Soma used her professional platform to shine a light on Manipur’s issues. This selective attention has led many to question the motives and actions of CSOs like KKL.
Civil Society Organizations, including KKL, need to recalibrate their approach. Rather than imposing and dictating, they should strive for collaboration and understanding. The current times demand unity, mutual support, and a combined front against systemic failures and injustices. Both the public and CSOs need to come together to advocate for a brighter, more harmonious Manipur.

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