India Govt. stands on Myanmar issue: Still not clear

After remaining quiet to the present crisis in Myanmar following Military Coup on February 1, this year, Indian government finally break its silence condemning the violence in the country.
However, the media briefing by the spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs of India, Arindam Bagchi, seems to be too diplomatic and it neither mentions what action India is to be taken to bring the situation under control inside Myanmar. India’s government only said that it condemns ‘any use of violence’. This can be interpreted to both the violent protest by the pro-democrats as well as the suppressive move of the Myanmar Military Junta which has taken the lives of over 500 people so far. But the statement at which Arindam Bagchi had stated on India’s stand for the restoration of democracy in Myanmar and demands for the release of political prisoners in Myanmar indicated a signal to the Military Junta to restrain the use of excessive force to suppress the people’s movement for restoration of Democracy.
However, the Indian authority said nothing on India’s stand on whether those who escaped towards India should be given shelter or not even as he had stated that New Delhi was dealing on matters “as per laws and humanitarian issue”.
The world had witnessed Indians sending back innocent civilians who tried to cross India as the Tatmadaw (Myanmar Military started random killings of even those who live in the rural regions by bombarding. The UN Security Council also had warned of civil war in Myanmar and some of the members even pushed for taking action against Myanmar’s Military Regime. Besides, the EU, US, Japan, South Korea, etc. have imposed sanctions on Myanmar.
The face of India has been somehow safe by the state government after 3 Myanmar citizens with serious bullet injury had been provided medical care. Besides, Mizoram Government too had also given shelter to around 400 people in the Indo –Myanmar border, even as the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Government of India has directed all border state to be vigil and to ban any people from crossing the border towards India.
However, as no concrete directives over Indian stand is made clear on how to deal with those who escaped towards India, by even directing those inside the country to be sent back to their state, one wander, whether the government of Manipur will be sending the three-person who had been provided treatment at JNIMS and RIMS after they are recovered. If they have to be sent back at this moment it is no different than throwing them to the den of the lion.
It seems like the Government of India was compelled to give its statement in connection with the crisis inside Myanmar, as almost every country that has close ties with India had started imposing sanctions.
This is being told because India has not spelled out any stringent measures against Myanmar like Myanmar. Instead, the country has not advised any private corporate houses of the country to stop having ties with the Military junta.
A company from India investing at a company run by Myanmar military Junta talks thousands as it is also kind of assistance to the Myanmar Military. Just a few days back there has been a report of India’s multinational company Adani Group continue the US Dollar 290 million deal with a holding company controlled by armed forces for the construction of a Container Port. On the other hand, it is an open secret that the Indian Tech company Infosys has been providing all sorts of technical and software assistance for Myanmar security as well as the banking sectors. US and EU have imposed sanctions in response to the barbaric act but India still continues to provide assistance. Even though the country may have reason to do so in view of the Act East Policy, a confusing stand may lead to bringing disaster in the relationship of India with other western countries as well as Japan and South Korea.
Maybe India thought that it better remain silent as there is no guarantee that either the pro-democrats will win or the Tatmadaw may continue, as it had a bitter experience after supporting the pro-democrats in the aftermath of the 8-8-88 uprising.
But what is important at the moment is to show the world is that India cares for humanitarian values and keeping silent may not help much in strengthening its power. Remember, Myanmar was and will be a playground for China no matter the country is ruled by people’s mandate or by Dictatorship. India should make clear its stand by providing assistant support to the pro-democrats movement in whatever way possible.

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