In the AI Era, Manipur Mothers Choked and Attacked by Gunmen

In the AI Era, Manipur Mothers Choked and Attacked by Gunmen

In the tapestry of Manipur’s rich history, the indelible mark left by its maternal figures resonates globally, epitomizing their role in shaping the state’s identity, preserving its cultural tapestry, and safeguarding its very soul. The annual observance of the Nupee Lal event, orchestrated by Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, ostensibly venerates this legacy, yet it also underscores a poignant failure in protecting the sanctity of Manipur’s revered mothers.
Tragically, on the fateful day of April 19, nefarious elements besieged numerous polling stations during the 18th Lok Sabha election, perpetrating abhorrent acts such as the asphyxiation of a woman in Kiyamgei Maning Leikai, coupled with the brutal assault on her spouse, punctuated by the echoing volleys of gunfire.
The dauntless women of Manipur have assumed a formidable mantle, leading the charge against the specters of drug proliferation, human rights transgressions, endemic corruption, and the oppressive specter of the Armed Forces (Special Powers) Act (AFSPA), among a litany of other pressing concerns. Notably, in the poignant realm of AFSPA, a gripping tableau unfolded when a cohort of twelve Manipuri women stood unclothed before the Kangla fort, bearing a banner emblazoned with the plea ‘Indian Army Rape Us!’ Clad only in their flowing locks and bared forms, these courageous souls brandished placards bearing the poignant declarations “Indian Army rape us…we all are Manorama’s mothers” and “Kill us. Rape us. Flesh us.”
This stark, naked protest, orchestrated by the stalwart “Mothers of Manipur,” stood as a visceral testament to the barbaric violation and tragic demise of 32-year-old Thangjam Manorama at the hands of the 17th Assam Rifles, encapsulating a saga of unwavering resolve and defiance etched in the annals of Manipur’s quest for justice and dignity.
Their impact extends far beyond this. Amidst the ongoing ethnic conflict between the Kuki and Meitei communities, women continue to shield and support the youth of Manipur in every conceivable manner. Countless mothers have endured the loss of their sons, who bravely sacrificed their lives for their homeland. Tragically, even women have fallen victim to the bullets of Kuki militants, and many communities have solemnly honored them during their final rites.
While global attention is often on advancements like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Space-X, and Tesla, Manipur grapples with escalating violence. Women face targeted attacks by individuals in black attire, issuing threats allegedly linked to voting for a specific political party while intimidating agents from other political parties at polling stations. Despite this turmoil, security forces have remained passive, brandishing their weapons but failing to enforce law and order effectively. Intruders have even invaded homes, assaulting women, yet the perpetrators remain unapprehended by the police.
Just a day after the tumultuous poll day, filled with incidents that tainted polling stations due to individuals in black uniforms engaging in proxy voting and issuing threats to Congress Party affiliates and others, prompting the Election Commission to order a repoll, Thokchom Sujata, the Convenor of Imagi Meira, a women’s civil society organization, urged the Government to identify these individuals. However, a few hours later, two gunmen fired shots, targeting her home.
This rapid turn of events raises a poignant question: What has become of Manipur? The very women who serve as the backbone of Manipur are now facing threats and assaults from their own community members. In a democratic framework, a free and fair election is essential for establishing a robust government. However, the 18th Lok Sabha Election in Manipur has devolved into a mere “selection” rather than a genuine “election.”
Given the current situation in Manipur, the citizens of Manipur, especially the younger generation, must band together to defend democracy and shield the women of Manipur from these violent factions. It is imperative to publicly denounce injustice and confront the allies of those who jeopardize women’s safety and subvert democratic principles. It’s crucial for the public to recognize that the perpetrators targeting women are not external enemies but individuals from within our own community. Ponder.

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