Hall of Shame: An Assembly Session or a Tea Break?

If the adjective ‘incapable’ had a face, Manipur’s Chief Minister N Biren Singh would undoubtedly be its poster child. If we needed more faces to showcase incompetence, the remaining 59 lawmakers of the state would be prime contenders. And if we were to rank them, the CM would unarguably be at the top, with the 10 Kuki MLAs, who desired to redesign the Manipur map, shamefully filling the bottom ten spots.
In a display of utter disregard, yesterday’s Manipur Assembly session was a farce, lasting a pitiable 11 minutes before Speaker Thokchom Satyabrata hastily adjourned it sine die, drowning out the protests echoing through the House’s halls. The people of Manipur, filled with hope, had anticipated their elected MLAs to deliberate on the pressing issues plaguing the state. Yet, their expectations were callously dashed. The ongoing violence, which has gruesomely claimed over 150 lives and showcased the sheer incompetence of these 60 MLAs, received no attention and no discussion. To cap off this mockery, a placatory resolution urging peace “through dialogue and Constitutional means” was conveniently declared passed. Was there any meaningful dialogue on this? None whatsoever.
And as if to add insult to injury, while the Opposition members strained their voices in protest, Biren Singh switched gears to discuss the Chandrayaan-3 Moon mission. Yes, Chandrayaan-3 is a commendable milestone for India, but is it seriously deemed more urgent than addressing the bloodshed in Manipur? The Assembly’s priorities are not just skewed; they’re shockingly insensitive.
While the pampered lawmakers, luxuriating on taxpayers’ money, cruised in their air-conditioned vehicles to the opulent Manipur Legislative Assembly, suspected Kuki militants terrorized and maimed innocent farmers in Naranseina village, Bishnupur district. As thousands of civilians rushed to the village, prepared to lay down their lives for their kin and land, the inept state legislators squabble inside their gilded chambers, proving incapable of producing a viable solution.
The lawmakers of Manipur seem to have forgotten that their salaries are funded by the hard-earned money of taxpayers, the citizens. This not only signifies the trust and hope people have in their representatives but also underscores the obligation of assembly members to act in the public’s best interests. The people have not merely chosen them to govern; the public has essentially employed them to shape a future that is safe, peaceful, and prosperous for all.
The Bharatiya Janata Party’s reluctance to replace Chief Minister N Biren Singh, despite his evident failure to manage the crisis, underscores the party’s glaring lack of a competent successor to restore peace. Public faith in both the legislative body and the Civil Society Organizations has waned significantly. Their profound discontent is palpably manifest in their online outcries. Regrettably, for the people of Manipur, hope seems to be receding into the abyss.
Amid the egregious mismanagement that’s plagued our state over the past 120 days, it’s become painfully clear: we’re essentially funding our own demise. While our lawmakers regularly jet off to Delhi, eagerly groveling before higher-ups like Home Minister Amit Shah, they’ve proven utterly ineffective in devising solutions. Just yesterday, two of our own met a tragic end in Naranseina village, forced to fend for themselves due to the government’s glaring incompetence. Our taxes are supposed to ensure our safety and welfare, but under N Biren Singh’s dismal leadership, it seems we’re merely financing our own funerals.
In Manipur’s history books, especially in the “Hall of Shame” section, the names of the current 60 MLAs will stand out, written in lasting ink. Next to their names will be photos, all taken from their own social media pages. This is so future generations can see what lousy leadership really looks like.

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