Don’t break the bone; it may spread far and wide

A little spark of fire sometimes burnt the entire forest, not to mention a residence or office building. Even though researchers are yet to find the real cause of the forest fire that destroyed many trees and forest at Dzuko Valley, it is still assumed that the fire might have caught up with a sparkling of fire created either from the negligence of some people or either from the friction cause among the forest trees. The recent fire incident at RIMS Administrative block too occurred from a spark caused by an electric short circuit. Manipur buildings have been heard turned into ashes due to fire broke out from a spark of electricity due to a short circuit.
There the Short circuit which could have caused catastrophe was a timely intervention by extinguishing the fire. Accident happens and it is the integrity and commitment of that responsible person who saves not only lives but the future treasures.
This piece of writing is not to draw the attention of the government authority on how to protect buildings or forest when it was caught in fire. The essence of giving example to how a big fire was caused by a single spark of lightning either from an electric short circuit or due to human negligence, is to give a message to the government that little problem (which they assumed) may turn out as a major problem which might give the authority a big problem.
Today is the last session of the ongoing state assembly budget session and ignoring the uproar of student community inside the DM University complex may go out of hand and who knows it spread across the state like it happen in the case of Manipur University.
Television news here in Imphal today telecasted students confronting a strong police team. Images of students being pushed back by charging with baton were also noticed. It is ironic that a group of students who were only protesting demanding their right to attend classes as they are eager to learn in this competitive age has been assaulted without any mercy.
Well everyone knows that the classes have been stopped after the college teachers under the aegis of FEGOCTA have begun their cease work strike by staging sit-in-protest demanding implementation of the 7th UGC pay and regulations. This newspaper always condemns cease work by teachers just to get their demand. But this time this paper will not give any comment to the demand of the teachers’ body. Let it be left to the government whether their demand are genuine or not and let them decide what to be done as they have already talk time and again besides assuring to fulfill their demand.
But then it is natural that the students too protest when they are deprived of studying. Yes, they have been deprived of their right to education as no teachers come to the class.
And it is also natural that they being the pillar of the future society demand their rights. But harsh action against them is not justified. When teachers are not allowed corporal punishment to students, how could the police who are to protect the people use excessive use of force to those students who were only staging protest for their right to education inside their college compound.
Remember, a mere mistake in talking the issue of ILPS movement, which cause the death of a student spread the agitation like a wild fire across the state.
In today’s action, a student was reported injured. This will not suppress the movement but rather it will fuel the anger of the students and who knows, the protest goes out of hands. What our government should understand is that they are our children and the future pillar of our soil. Don’t b hostile against them, instead talk with them. After all demand for the right to education is guaranteed by the Constitution of our country.

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