Deadline for the job market got over after model code of conduct

Deadline for the job market got over after model code of conduct

Many individuals have publicly voiced concerns regarding widespread corruption in government job appointments. They allege that those in power often sell these positions to the highest bidder, facilitated by numerous intermediaries operating within the corridors of authority. This systemic issue has contributed to the prolonged inefficiency observed in Manipur state over the past several decades.
Ahead of every election, recruitment drives coincide with the mass advertisement of paddy land or homesteads for sale in the local newspaper. This is too much of a coincidence. It creates a situation where some individuals secure positions while others face disappointment with the feeling that it all happened because they did not have money or enough money. This cycle of heartbreak, drama, and anxiety, coupled with the fear of irreversible financial losses, has become all too familiar. Even the Chief Minister of Manipur has said publicly on couple of occasions that the ministers should leave the recruitment alone. But, have they left the recruitment to government services alone? It is highly doubtful.
Many pending results have been announced, some of them were pending before COVID days, new recruitments have also taken place and many recruitment notifications have also come out. It is quite likely that these developments have happened as a fund drive for the money to be spent on the public so that public comes out and vote. This current scenario reflects a pattern like before, with numerous recruitment processes underway, some completed, but many still pending. However, the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct following the Election Commission of India’s announcement of the election schedule may further prolong the announcement of results, exacerbating the frustrations of many awaiting their fate.
Election Commission of India (ECI) has set the dates for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections, triggering the enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct nationwide until the announcement of results, aimed at ensuring fair elections. This Code prohibits ministers and authorities from making financial grants or promises after the election announcement and restricts the initiation of projects. Ad-hoc appointments influencing voters are also banned. Additionally, the Code regulates the use of government resources, forbidding their use for electioneering purposes. It mandates equal access to public spaces and prohibits monopolization of government accommodations for campaign activities. Moreover, the Code emphasizes avoiding partisan coverage in media, barring the issue of partisan advertisements and misuse of official media for political favouritism.
The delay in job recruitment processes due to the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct leaves candidates in a state of uncertainty, with no clear timeline for when results will be announced. Those who have invested time and money in pursuing these opportunities may feel frustrated and taken advantage of, as their future hangs in limbo. The poignant words of RK Bhubhonsana’s poetic lines, “the buddhi we earned by hard work gets lost when the time comes for recruitment,” resonate with the struggles and disillusionment experienced by candidates. It highlights the disheartening reality where merit and effort seem to lose significance amidst the complexities of the recruitment process, leaving deserving candidates at the mercy of unpredictable circumstances.

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