Conquering the art of bloody politics

An egalitarian society runs with the wisdom of good politicians. And the wisdom of a politician comes from a good company. That is perhaps the reason for the human being to believe in a democratic form of government rather than living in a monarchy or autocratic state. But when the company of the politician turns rather like a prostitute, then anger, anguish, and frustration haunt the people including the state subjects. According to Indian great scholar Chanakya, “The prostitute deserts a customer when he becomes bankrupt. The subjects desert a powerless king”. So, it is not only important for a politician who takes the lead role in running the state, to segregate who are prostitutes and who are real friends among those who actually or pretended to give the so call good advice. Or else, politics which is an ingredient part of running an egalitarian state sometimes turn bloody, either due to the arrogant nature of the man leading the society or due to lack of understanding in the segregation of who is a prostitute or who are real friends encircling around him. 
It will be over speculation to consider all politicians who have been elected by the people to represent them and run the society as bloody politicians. But those around him are those making him performing the role of bloody politics. Again, it is worth remembering Chanakya’s word – “Shun a friend who speaks fair on the face but acts foul in the absence, like a pitcher filled with venom but having milk in the opening”. Such a friend or in other words such advisors or close associates who use to be near and dear ones of the politician are not friends at all, and the leader should understand that such people are more dangerous than enemies. 
Bloody politics is what the people of Manipur have been witnessing since the last many decades. The picture comes clearer during the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly where a coalition government led by the BJP, with Chief Minister N. Biren Singh runs the state. The unfortunate part is that there has not been a game of first among the equals – a political revelation of who should be leading the team who has been elected by their respective people on equal status. Thus, the present team running the state has no idea that a separation from the team, an insult by the close relations, unpaid debt, and association with the crooked incinerate the whole team even without fire.
This is what we the people of the state of Manipur have been seeing. As the 11th Manipur Legislative Assembly has been crowded with many newcomers, who had never tested to prove themselves as first among the equal, many played games with fire for some selfish gain. The bloody game has started since the inception of this government and it is not yet over now. 
To all the politicians, who have been handed over people’s mandate to run the society – ”A man doing some noble deeds and living for a very short duration is more welcome in this world than a man living for many years but working against the welfare of the world?” – Chanakya. 

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