Caution for the cocksure

In a state as ours steeped in symbolisms, it comes as no surprise to anybody when any developmental project or progressive step which started off with much aplomb and show of sincere intent ultimately comes out a cropper. Perhaps the public, having had to face the frustrating situation for far too long, have become inured to the unfortunate reality to a degree, and therefore the ability to be awed and shocked by the still rampantly prevailing irregularities and malpractices. Is it that the people have inadvertently got used to the system and have made peace with the unfortunate facts of the present government? Or is it that the general public have given up on the collective hope of any improvement on the part of the state government and instead chalked out the means to survive and prosper in their own ways? Or worse, still, have the people become attuned to the system and have become a part of it inspite of the apparent flaws instead of fighting and resisting its regressive influence on the society? While a definite answer is a distant possibility, the unfortunate fact remains that the state as a whole has been regressing backwards on all parameters despite the state government shouting itself hoarse to the contrary.
Corruption, coercion and commodification of any and every progressive aspect have become the norm rather than an exception. Selection of candidates for essential services has effectively become an auctioning exercise with the opportunity going to the highest bidders. The result- as everybody is experiencing- is inefficient, unqualified and inexperienced administration. While the voice condoning the manner of governing the state has been unanimous and loud, it remains to be seen when everybody stand up to corruption and coercion against the unscrupulous bureaucrats and officials. As long as the general public gives in to pressures and prefers the easy way out, corruption and coercion is bound to thrive.
Recent indications however present a ray of hope for an alternative and resurgent government in the form of the BJP revving up its efforts to shore up support from the public, and by the look of it, the party is doing a good job. There is however the danger of a newbie getting heady with power and deviating from the set objectives although those steering the party are old war horses who have been in the thick of politics long enough. It would be wise for the aspiring ministers and MLAs to observe and learn from the mistakes of the previous government and formulate means and ways to rectify them. Of late, a few political turncoats have started bad-mouthing the state government- a serious concern indicating that these turncoats are yet to forego the old habit and mentality of reactive and recriminatory politics. Their cocksure attitude has made many keen observers to sit up and take notice of the developments. The only way to proceed is to practice progressive politics and pragmatic governance. Transparency, inclusivity, expeditiousness and resoluteness should be the hallmarks of effective and enduring governance. Confusing the job for the person will bring everybody back to square one. Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers and MLAs are descriptions of jobs that need to be performed and not privileges that should be abused. 

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