Home » Avoid being fooled by emotions of a single event & Modi’s selective response

Avoid being fooled by emotions of a single event & Modi’s selective response

by Rinku Khumukcham
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Violence, in any form, is an abhorrent act that must be unequivocally condemned. The recent events in Manipur, where more than 140 lives were tragically lost, are an undeniable stain on humanity. However, what adds insult to injury is the conspicuous silence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi throughout this period. The state witnessed rampant killings, destruction of properties, and untold suffering, yet the Prime Minister chose to remain silent, leaving the affected citizens in distress and despair.
After 75 days of eerie silence, Mr. Modi finally spoke, but to the dismay of many, he addressed only one incident—the purported video showing two women parading naked. While this incident is indeed distressing and deserving of condemnation, it cannot overshadow the larger issue of widespread violence and turmoil that Manipur has been grappling with for a prolonged period.
It is evident that Mr. Modi’s selective response raises questions about his motives. Many see his statements as an attempt to play the gender card and manipulate emotions to divert attention from the core issue—the urgent need for peace and stability in Manipur. The people of Manipur are crying out for a solution, and both the state and central governments have failed to provide it.
The viral video incident is doing the rounds on social media conveniently just one day before the parliamentary monsoon session, leading some to suspect that it was used as a tactic to garner support from women while tarnishing the image of a specific community. As the leader of the Indian government, Mr. Modi’s words carry immense weight, and it is essential for him to address the broader issue while ensuring justice for all victims and holding all perpetrators accountable.
The underlying problem is not just about one incident but the pervasive violence that has gripped the entire state. It has affected people of all ages and backgrounds, instilling fear and despair among the populace. It is paramount that we do not get carried away by this isolated incident or be blinded by emotions, as the real issue lies in restoring normalcy and harmony to Manipur.
As responsible citizens, we must focus on the larger picture and question the government’s commitment to finding a comprehensive solution. While the viral video incident cannot be ignored, it should not be used as a smokescreen to divert attention from the failure to address the root causes of violence in the region.
Instead of falling prey to diversionary tactics, we should demand accountability and justice for all victims. The government, at both the state and central levels, must take immediate and effective action to quell the violence, bring the culprits to justice, and pave the way for lasting peace in Manipur.
The incident has shed light on the government’s shortcomings, and we, as citizens, should not allow ourselves to be swayed by political maneuvers. Our focus should remain unwaveringly on finding a comprehensive solution to the crisis at hand. Manipur deserves better, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure that the government works diligently towards restoring peace and normalcy to this beautiful state. Only then can we truly move forward towards progress and development.

On the viral video: As per the complaint filed in connection with the incident, the victims of the said incident were rescued by a police team but snatched by a mob. Have the concerned Police station of Nongpok Sekmai filed an FIR regarding the snatching of the rescued victims. If not, why the state police authority did not clarify the matter as it was mentioned in the complaint note. The tragic incident of parading the girls naked by a mob should be held responsible by the authority of the Nongpok Sekmai Police stations in particulars and the CSOs leaders in general. It should be kept aside of the real and core issue that has been burning the state. Imphal Times smells a conspiracy to the way that the core issue of the ongoing violence has been shrewdly diverted by the viral video that was uploaded just a day before the Parliament monsoon session.

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