An Uneasy Calm and Unanswered Questions in Manipur

The recent detention of five village volunteers has ignited a furor within the Meitei Community, casting doubt over the objectivity and efficacy of the Manipur Police during these tumultuous times. At the heart of the community’s anxiety lies a pressing concern: Why are only Meitei Volunteers apprehended when there are reports of armed Kuki militants operating openly in the Churachandpur district and other hill districts, specifically targeting Meiteis?
For decades, both the Manipur Police and Assam Rifles have come under scrutiny for their alleged bias in operations. Accusations of mistreating civilians in valley areas juxtapose sharply with claims of passive, almost submissive stances in the hill regions. Such perceptions create a narrative of a force that is strong in the valleys but weak in the hills. A disparity that inevitably leads to the burning question: Is there an inherent bias in the law enforcement’s approach towards the valley and hill communities?
The recent events have undoubtedly created an atmosphere of trepidation. If the very village defense volunteers, tasked with safeguarding Meitei communities from militant threats, are being detained, who then stands in defense of these communities?
For the past four months, the overarching sentiment has been one of disillusionment with the Manipur Government. Both the Meitei and Kuki-Zo communities feel exposed and vulnerable, while the government seems to grapple with its core duty of ensuring their safety. The persistent episodes of violence, abductions, and lack of discernible police action have shaken the public’s faith.
Despite these concerns, the state government remains resolute, not acceding to the demands to release the detained volunteers. Simultaneously, it appears to struggle in safeguarding these self-same volunteers who, armed and willing, stand ready to defend against consistent threats.
With a fervent public outcry centered around the release of the detained, the Manipur administration, now buttressed with central security forces, seems more fortified than ever. Since early May, the state government has implored the central administration for reinforcements. Yet, their presence, or the strategic advantage they were expected to bring, remains elusive. Civilians bear the brunt, while concrete solutions to end the months-long strife are nowhere in sight.
Taxpayers rightfully query the whereabouts and purpose of the central forces dispatched to Imphal. The prolonged violence, despite the bolstered security, gives rise to unsettling suspicions. Is the state government willfully turning a blind eye to the chaos?
As Manipur treads on this razor’s edge, it’s imperative for the government to transparently address these concerns, rebuild trust, and ensure the safety of its citizens. Otherwise, the questions, doubt, and anger will only mount, further driving the wedge between the people and those sworn to protect them.

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