A Crisis of Authority and Accountability in Manipur

A Crisis of Authority and Accountability in Manipur

Yesterday’s incident near K. Molnom village in Chandel district starkly underscores the deepening crisis of authority and accountability in Manipur. Government officials attempting to inspect an unauthorized bridge construction over the Manipur River were obstructed by a group of Kuki women, a defiant act that exposes the erosion of state power and the troubling rise of local insurgency tactics.
Despite clear directives from Chandel Deputy Commissioner Mayanglambam Rajkumar on March 21 to halt all unauthorized bridge work, the Kukis have resumed construction, flagrantly disregarding government prohibitions. This blatant defiance is a direct challenge to the rule of law and the authority of the state.
The inspection team, comprising SDO Chakpikarong, Chandel Additional SP, Chakpikarong OC, Sugnu OC, Waikhong OC, and personnel from the BSF and Assam Rifles, was well-prepared to enforce the government’s orders. Equipped with a JCB to dismantle the illegal structure, their mission was clear. However, their progress was abruptly halted at Sinam village, where Kuki women barricaded the route by felling a tree. Despite repeated warnings, the women refused to disperse, effectively stymying the officials’ efforts.
Compounding the issue, media personnel covering the situation were detained by the 37 Assam Rifles at Serou Lamkhi for over an hour. The AR personnel cited the lack of orders from higher authorities as justification for their actions, further highlighting the bureaucratic inefficiencies and lack of coordination among security forces. Even after intervention by Kakching district SP Th Vikramjit, which eventually led to the journalists being allowed to proceed, the delay raises serious questions about freedom of the press and transparency in such volatile situations.
Disturbingly, video footage circulating on social media shows armed Kukis taking positions behind the women barricading the route, ready to engage the officials. This not only raises the specter of potential violence but also complicates the already tense situation. The alleged involvement of armed elements behind civilian shields is a dangerous escalation that the government cannot afford to ignore.
The 37 Assam Rifles, stationed near the contentious bridge, have been accused of permitting the illegal construction to proceed, despite clear instructions to the contrary. This alleged complicity undermines the very fabric of law enforcement and suggests a troubling collusion that must be thoroughly investigated. The directive from the Deputy Commissioner had unequivocally instructed law enforcement agencies to stop any illegal construction and warned of legal action against non-compliance. Yet, the construction has reportedly continued, raising doubts about the integrity and efficacy of our security forces.
Till now, there are no report of the government officials reaching the bridge, and the situation remains fraught with tension. The state must assert its authority unequivocally and ensure that such defiance of government orders is met with decisive action. The rule of law must prevail, and those who flout it—whether through direct action or tacit approval—must be held accountable.
This incident is a clarion call for the government to reassess its strategies and reinforce its commitment to law and order. The people of Manipur deserve a government that can enforce its directives, protect its citizens, and maintain peace and security in the face of rising challenges.

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