When all goes wrong

Life is a journey, so people say. A journey that is but a mystery of misery and ecstasy. It is cruel and it is kind, and it is colorful and it is dull. In fact, there is seldom a permanent state of life but everything around life only keeps changing with time.
It is true that somewhere in between the highs and lows, we all wish for the same thing –for everything to be just nice and soothing to the soul. We wish to wake up to a life endowed with fulfilled dreams, and for a life that we can call perfect, and never worry about anything. We often choose to ignore the other side of the mystery of life, the side that demands us to struggle and wade our way through life.
That is the life we desire where nothing provokes our inner peace, and nothing is as demanding as to take us away from our comfort zones. We desire to live a life that is all about joy and having fun, with nothing to stress our minds or nothing to hold us back –a life that is a thrilling adventure and a wonderful experience. We crave for all the beauty and the gold and find as much pleasures for ourselves.
But the reality is otherwise and life is but a mystery filled with joy and misery, and no matter what we do and how much we try to ignore the other side of life, and try to hold onto the one side, it always comes at us just as it must. We all struggle, and sometimes, the struggle gets worse and everything seems to go wrong. We feel the weight of the world on our shoulders and everything we do is just not right. Our struggles are never enough and our pains are always more than it had ever been. We are devastated and frustrated and there is only little that we can do, and that even is to simply tell ourselves that it will soon all go –only trying to inspire ourselves just to let us survive through another day.
When all goes wrong, the beauty you used to see all seems to be fading away. Everything becomes a nightmare that scares you to your soul. The joy that life offered you sometimes ago all seems unreal as they drown in your pain. The only thing that becomes real is the pain that is killing your every hope and your every dream. You are unable to find your breath and you’re too weak to find your strength. And there you lay, a poor guy who used to be happy, dying but helpless –when all goes wrong.
When all goes wrong, we often give up on everything, and even the desire to live. We feel that life isn’t worth anymore because in our pain we are already blinded of what the future can bring. The agony that we are going through often deludes our mind, and strips us off our hopes and dreams for life. We seldom find anything worth living for anymore, even the beauty we believed in all changes and have become simply dull and disinteresting.
When all goes wrong, only a few people will be there trying to help you to hold on. The rest will say all things, they will tell you it’s because of your mistake, and you made the wrong choice, and that might be true indeed. They will tell you things that will kill your soul and threaten your very existence robbing you of your peace and the will to live. And the other rest wouldn’t just care.
No matter what we go through, we cannot deny, we cannot escape, and we got to live anyway. We will trust in time and its power to change as it does. That someday, it will turn life around again, and we shall shed tears no more. And as much joy and pain life is, and now that we go through pain and suffer through all that goes wrong; we will have once again all the good in the world, and as much as we forget all the goodness of life in our pain, we will once again forget all the pain in life’s goodness and all the beauty it offers.
Remember that somewhere in life, we all have to struggle somehow. Some a little harder and some a little less, but the fact is we all go through difficult times that even if we have all the wisdom in the world, we will still make mistakes, or at least, life will still give us adversities. And that is why even when all goes wrong, we must move on, because like a movie, life always has, for all of us, a happy ending to offer. You just have to hold on like I am doing now, and hope, for the best is yet to come.

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