What next? (a letter for all the class 10 and 12 graduates) By

We will make it simple, and twisted at the same time, just like how your lives would be from now on. I believe many of you already have a clear insight on what the next giant leap of your life would be like. For those of you who don’t, I hope and pray that you soon will. 

The future you’re about to live are chapters to be written in your history book. I remember when I was about to be Baptised (For Christians, Baptism signifies a confession of faith), my mother told me that it was to be the start of my Christian life, that everything I do from then will be counted on the judgement day. I believed my mama then, and I also believe the same applies to our career. 

Every course you take now on will decide your fate. So, it is Ideal that you take time to reflect on yourselves and what you really are inside and out. This will help you choose the best for yourselves in what you want to pursue, that depends on what you want your profession to be in life. 

It is rather simple to say as most of us might have had it well figured-out already. But if you happen to be one like me, just jumping round list of courses only to have to opt for what your friends are about to, you really need to go home and really think of what you want to be in life. I’m really excited about politics and social issues but I’m a Science graduate in my Higher Secondary. 

All through my classes, it was all about mental pressures and dull study hours. Science might be exciting, but it wasn’t for me and I had to suffered all through it while I could’ve enjoyed learning politics and social issues. 

Your choice of stream of learning is arguably one of the most important step to success. It must be a subject that interest you, that gives you an inner zeal to go for more until you’re physically exhausted. This way, your learning will be more fun and productive in your career prospects. 

Some of my classmates had another crunch. Most of them were brilliant students and were quite okay with the subjects. However, most of them seemed to have suggested me to conclude that their learnings were still a dull experience. Those were victims of the ardors of their parents. There are some of our parents who wants us to fulfil their desires while ours lay waste. 

As much as we love our parents, we need to know that they aren’t living our lives and that it is only ours to live. If you love History, go with it, don’t go for Commerce for your parents. It’s only important that you do your best and it’s less important to try to always be the best for people we care. 

It’s not a failure after all and your parents only needs patience until they see you so happy doing what you love. 

Like we said before, THINK, take time to reflect on yourselves. The leap you’re about to take it is giant. It’s not just wearing a different uniform and switching styles, it’s about what you will be in the future. Most of peoples failures are hastiness and unreasoning in taking decisions. 

Your results are your certificates to educational maturity. It is therefore commendable that you are likewise responsible for your future and the life you will live. It is simple to study hard and get good grades. What is hard is to do a simple study and get good grades. 

Both are possible and it all depends on your foresight and hence your choice. However, this isn’t saying that choosing right is getting half-way to success, it’s just about the acceleration of your start. And remember there is no substitute to hard-work, not even choosing right. 

The importance of knowledge today is too much a peril to undermine. It is like an Identity-Card to access the world everywhere without which you are just an unwelcomed guest or either welcomed only to serve the educated. It is the sole ticket to live and we are all otherwise just survivors fighting for a loaf of bread. 

Education has more or less become the new morality of humankind, without which you are more likely to be constantly threatened by the society of your own race. It is awful, yet it is to live that we must understand the importance of knowledge. Nevertheless, our intellect tends to be founded on our knowledge base. Hence it is not wrong to say that knowledge and intellect are also the art behind affection that we all desire. 

Be it an Art or a Science or an Athletic or a Servicemen, it is knowledge that will be one’s fortune in his/her life. 

What do you do? 

Start setting a goal if you haven’t yet got one. Start dreaming of all the good things knowledge can bring you. Imagine a life without knowledge if you must. I bet when you see -it will all be worth it. And the goals you set will drive you; your dreams will motivate you and your imaginations will inspire you. You have to remember, it sometimes is logic when the physique stops working. 

And also remember to set your minds right and surround yourself with positive people, most preferably a caring and an exemplary person. The ideal kind of emotional mindset you shall have must advisably be strictly limited to your parents and friends alone; the opposite sex are positive and as well negative you might find it hard to distinguish and end up in a pit of discouragement and eventually failure. 

Respect moral values, most of all, respect yourself and others and as well your commitments too. The respect you have today will be your reward tomorrow. 

I’m aware I’m telling you things everybody else must’ve told you so. However, under any circumstances, your freedom of choice will always be well respected. Just remember that you’re no more in high school. You’ll have more freedom and more fun if you intend to. But otherwise, note that the books are going to get thicker and the chapters will be harder to understand. 

The Five hours of daily study might no longer be sufficient to understand as much as you do your High School lessons. Your struggles and efforts are likely to double. 

But you’ve learnt the art of struggling and achieving that I hope you’ll treasure; periodically remind yourself of it. Everything can be done in it’s way to do it. Success has courses and no shortcuts. Regardless of what we want to be, it always is necessary to keep one simple rule in mind, “There is always hope for the soul that dreams and work for it”. 

Nothing can hold you back from the things you really set your mind to. 

Always remember, THE SKY IS THE LIMIT. 

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