What is your dream?

How many of us today have a dream? Something that drives us, a desire that is so strong that we are persistently reminded of its existence? How many of us can say that we are determined to achieve a specific goal, not just to become successful or rich but also define our terms of success, not just to be happy but also already determining our sources of happiness?
Years ago, I met a young girl who I suppose will be in her later teenage years. Having always being determined about dreams, I cheerfully approached her and asked her, “What is your dream?” She was looking up at me as if she had heard that question for the first time. I saw that she was puzzled and I thought that she didn’t understand the question. So one more time I looked in her eyes and slowly uttered, to make myself as clear as possible, and asked her, “What do you want to become when you grow up?”. Unfortunately, it was still the same, she didn’t answer me still but rather gave me a weird look.
It is very unfortunate today that many of the school going children and even adults do not care to have a dream or are ignorant of a ‘dream’. We talk of the future, and of course what we wish to be that are largely fruitless or unyielding because they do not instigate action. But we seldom talk of real passionate dreams that will drive us to take required actions and enhances our lives. It is like many of us are simply living for today without a plan or purpose for tomorrow, only to wake up so late that we would bear the brunt our whole life until we finally die with it. These school going children especially seem to be an alien to having their own dreams for their future. They seem to lack vision for the coming age, which has become one of the greatest challenges for the youths today.
When I was serving in a school as a teacher, I came across these students who are considerably bright and knowledgable. I believed that those students can reach certain heights, make a career for themselves and prosper well in their lives. However, much to my disbelief, soon after their council examination results were declared, most of them didn’t continue their regular studies but rather admit themselves as casual students in government colleges while some others completely abandoned their education. It came really surprising to me, and as well despairing. I was opened up to the harsh reality of what become of students who had to go through all the arduous task of high schooling. It is true that only around 10 per cent of the students really make up to creating worth for their studies.
What is your dream? A dream for your future, of what you will be and who you will become? In Delhi, when I was interviewed for jobs in private companies, the most common question that the interviewers asked was, “Where do you see yourself in five/ten years?” It basically implies what my future prospects were, simply put, “what are my dreams?”. These hiring companies are looking for people who have defined the lives they will live. In fact, they cannot trust someone who simply comes in the interview without a determined goal. They are looking for people who see themselves working and giving their best in their companies, who will stay loyal to the company. And contribute in the growth of the company. Likewise, success is also for people who have dreams and determined goals.
It has become extremely important to have a dream or create one for ourselves. It is the gateway to a life of fulfilment and satisfaction. They are the fuel for our ride into the future. Without them you are simply surviving or walking a curvy road with your eyes closed. There is less future without dreams for dreams are to give us the vision we need to prepare ourselves well for what is coming in the future.
Imagine you are driving a car, and you are running our of fuel. It simply implies that there is no going anywhere unless you fill your tank with fuel. The car is useless, because it cannot be what it is anymore. Dreams are like the fuel of a car to life. It makes driving possible, and without it life cannot be lived to the fullest or realised to its full potential. Moreover, without dreams, life is an endless space with no destination.
However, there are also certain qualities of a dream we must have. I remember one holiday I spent in my friends village. It was a remote village, and at the time of my stay, the road was under construction and there were JCBs stationed in the village. One evening, as I was going for a walk around the village with my friend, few young girls were playing with the JCBs. Sitting on the drivers seat and pretending as if they were driving. I was entertained by them and their liking for the JCB. I called one of them girls and asked her, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” To my utter disbelief, she said I want to be a JCB driver. A little one, and a girl, wanting to be a JCB driver?
Some of us have dreams, but what is unfortunate is that our dreams are too small for our lives. It is like limiting ourselves and fighting to hide our potentials and our true selves. But what we must do is no longer hide behind the veil of uncertainty but come out to explore the limits of who we are and start defining our lives the perfect way -our way. We should have a dream, and we should have big dreams. We should not limit ourselves, and for this one thing we should learn to say “NO! It is not enough.” We can always be stronger, go higher, and achieve bigger. Remember, you are only a dream away for the things you want most in life.
We need a dream today, a dream big enough that will belittle your other problems in life.

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