Time to get serious about Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most important problems we face. It is also truly a global problem in the sense that no country alone can influence the outcome. It can only be solved if all countries mount a global response. With development activities picking up once again, it’s important to keep in mind that we’re already fighting climate change and global warming. Our choices, actions and behaviour should be based on that premise so that we can inch closer to reducing the impact of climate change.
India is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, and will be severely affected with an increase in natural calamities such as floods, tsunamis, droughts, and heat waves. Our country has already taken a few progressive steps such as the target of clean energy and reduction in emissions by 22 per cent. In fact, extensive plantation efforts, water body rejuvenation, and buying local and organic produce are already being encouraged and implemented. However, regardless of the policies and strategies implemented by the government, our environment will heal only if ‘care for nature’ comes naturally to us.
While you might think that climate change policies and strategies are the work of the government and political bodies, this is a reminder that we are going through the repercussions of climate change as a country. It is each individual’s responsibility to do their bit in making the fight against climate change easier and more effective. Healing the environment starts in the kitchen, in our bedrooms, at work, and even in the garage.
To prevent further decline in our environmental health, we need to be wary of every small action that can contribute to temperature rise, sea-level rise, and pollution. We need to reduce emissions of Green House Gases, especially carbon dioxide and devise eco-friendly substitutes to products that have a high carbon footprint.
In fact, knowing your carbon footprint is an excellent way to make small and easy changes at home and office. To underline the importance of this issue, organizations can encourage activities that cap emissions and reward employees when they achieve a low carbon footprint. This could be an incentive to reduce polluting behaviours and to invest in cleaner energy choices.
Increasing energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy is also crucial to reduce pressure on our natural resources. So many people in India still lack access to electricity and rely on solid fuels for cooking such as coal, wood, and charcoal which causes harmful indoor air pollution. Opting for energy-efficient appliances, using LEDs and using renewable energy is a great way to not only mitigate climate change but also let businesses know that the demand for renewable energy sources is on rise. Given the extreme climate conditions that India faces and the loss of life and economy attributed to it, India should also strengthen its current targets and given its immense renewable energy generation potential, aim to lead by setting an example.

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