Starvation Strike

The crisis of hunger and malnutrition is acute

The latest United Nations report on food security shows that the problem of hunger in the world is getting worse. All over the world, 2.3 billion people are facing difficulties in getting food. This figure is for 2021, which also includes the deadly effects of the Corona crisis.
After the Russo-Ukraine war that started this year, due to the increase in the prices of food grains, petroleum products and fertilizers, the whole world is facing the frightening after that. The situation can be guessed automatically. Ironically, all the efforts made in the last decade to eradicate hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition all over the world seem to be floundering. A recently published report of the United Nations has expressed concern that the goals set to end hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition by 2030 are now difficult to meet. It is noteworthy that out of the countries affected by the food crisis in the world, twelve countries are from Africa, one is the Caribbean country. One and two from Asia are Afghanistan and Yemen.
Armed struggle, debt burden, unemployment and poverty are at the root of this hunger, while misgovernance also has a big role to play. Undoubtedly, first the Corona epidemic and then the Ukraine crisis has only increased this menace. This is the reason that about three billion people of the world have become unable to collect the necessary dose for a healthy person. This crisis puts a question mark on the model of so-called modern development which promotes one-sided development while boasting about the revolution of science and technology in the world is giving.
On the one hand, prosperity and prosperity are waving, and on the other hand, the darkness of poverty is deepening in the lives of billions of people. In such a situation, it is natural to ask why the governments of different countries do not make sincere efforts to remove economic discrepancies. Why is there not an effective strategy to overcome this crisis, due to which the crisis of hunger and malnutrition is present in a formidable form. Its hallmark is that about three billion people in the world do not have the necessary food for a healthy life.
However, due to the ongoing crisis Inflation during the Corona crisis has a big role in increasing it, but at its core is also the power of the authorities. It is difficult to say how much infection was stopped by the drastic measures implemented to prevent corona infection, but it definitely increased the swamp of poverty. The question arises that why various global organizations and experts in these matters do not prepare a far-reaching strategy to eradicate poverty and hunger. This is the reason that the strategies designed to deal with this crisis are not proving effective on the practical ground. of arrangement Holes and corruption are irrigating this crisis. It is a well-known fact that nature has made arrangements to feed every person, but the unjust distribution of resources has given rise to poverty and hunger.
First colonialism, then imperialism and finally the global economy, built on the interests of developed countries, has continuously widened the gap between rich and poor. The expansion of poverty in India and abroad in the Corona crisis and the increase in the number of billionaires is the truth of this unjust system. It is important that the available natural resources A war should be waged against food insecurity and hunger by planning.
How ironic that there is food insecurity and starvation on the earth and rich countries are looking for life on other planets. It is the responsibility of affluent countries to ensure that every person in poverty-stricken countries can get food to live. The heat of the fire arising out of poverty and anarchy in any country of the world is felt all over the world. In such a situation, the world fraternity needs to cooperate in the fight against poverty and hunger. 


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