‘ASPIRATION IN MEDICAL CAREER’ – and its effect among our youths.

Among  any  other  career  after 10+2,  Medical  career  seems  to  be  at the top  not only in Manipur but  throughout  India.  This  is  because,  Employability  is  the  best  as  compare to  any  other  course especially  in Manipur . Yes, medical profession is highly needed for a healthy public life. To make their children to be a Doctor, parents tried all their wits end. I think, it’s also necessary to identify whether his ward is fit for the medical profession or not .Simply pushing their children in the helm of Medical arena without their own aspiration will rather produce negative impact in the life of  many of our youths. It is not an easy task for a student to qualify in National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) to undergo Medical profession. Nevertheless we should not give up our effort to qualify in this national level common examination. As we all know majority of our parents put maximum input for their children to be selected in NEET after 10+2.
In  spite  of  having  talents  in  Mathematics  by  our  students,  it  appears  this  talent  has  been nipped in the buds after class X due to viral among our parents for medical career. This is clearly seen from the result of HSLC Examination of BOSEM and HSSLC Examination of COHSEM. Many students scored letter mark in Mathematics in HSLC exam of BOSEM while pass percentage in Mathematics in HSSLC exams of COHSEM is very pathetic. One of main reason of declining in the pass percentage of Mathematics in HSSLC may be due to madness in Medical career, if I am not mistaken. Because of this, many students who are very good in Mathematics up to Class X started neglecting it in Class XI and XII. Now ,we need to rethink ,how many students from Manipur will get  the  opportunity  to  go  for  Medical  line  out  of  thousands  of  students  passed    XII  Sc,  from COHSEM  and  CBSE ? I  think,  at  the  most  300  students  from  Manipur  will  get  this  opportunity through NEET. Of course few rich parents send their children to Private Medical Colleges in India and abroad after spending huge amount.  Any  way  giving  effort  to  be  qualified  in  NEET  is encouraging and is a must to do. But one dark side of this attempt is that, a student who tried
NEET for the first time is generally not selected but continue for second attempt by sending them to premier coaching centers. Yes, it’s good and positive attitude of trying again and again.
However many of the parents simply admitted their wards in BA/ B.Sc in some Colleges (where they can appear examination without attending the class) in conjunction with their coaching class for medical. During the examination in these colleges where they admitted, how and what he/she might  have  written    is  the  scene  that  everybody  know  .Because  of  the  way  they  appear  the examination in these colleges their moral of study for the NEET goes down to hell though they may pass the degree exam with high grade. As a result of this their second attempt in NEET is also not successful, then they tried for third time .By the time he/she completes graduation from these colleges without learning anything. In this way the career of many of our bright student have been spoiled. Because of their poor learning during graduation they find very hard to go for further PG  studies.  Then they become useless for anything in their life.  As a result they get frustrated and mentally depressed, lost self-confidence and become a spoil bread of the family and society. So, if this is the case, what shall we do now? Now ,the time has come to put our head together to correct this menace and identify right person for this profession by the parents so that we can save our bright talented stars   before it’s too  late.  These  are  some  of  the  real phenomena that I came across being in teaching profession.

(The writer is a faculty at NEILIT Imphal Center. He can be contacted at   Sjugeshwor7@gmail.com or whatapps at 9612891339)

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