Adopting a modern lifestyle, youth are suffering from diseases

Change is also a law of nature and necessary for human life and development.  But there are some changes which have either infiltrated our lives due to some compulsions or we have adopted them in the name of modern lifestyle.  Such is the change in eating habits.  This does not seem like a serious matter, but if you look at some examples of today or look at your own life, then it will be understood that the light-hearted habits of everyday food have given place to many serious diseases in our life.  has given.  Some studies suggest that changing food habits are also affecting our age.  People are aging prematurely and look older than their age.  The reason for this is taking an unbalanced diet.  Most of the people do not know what kind of diet they should take.  What is the nature of their body and which nutrients their body needs more.  Eating anything indiscriminately at any time is such a reason that it is a slow poison for the body and gradually becomes a victim of diseases.  At the same time, even under the pressure of rising inflation, unemployment, the body often does not get the nutrients which are needed.  In such a situation, many types of pressure, worries have also increased the problems related to heart and blood pressure somewhere.
Today, a large number of youth are suffering from diseases in India, the youngest country of the world.  At an early age, they are vulnerable to diseases like heart diseases, arthritis, asthma.  On the surface, it seems to be a common thing, but after many types of research and opinion of experts, it has been concluded that today’s hectic lifestyle and unbalanced diet is a big reason in it.  Apart from this, if we look at it, our unbalanced diet is responsible for many skin related problems in one way or the other.  At the same time, the daily consumption of fast food is also causing the increase of diseases like obesity, eating disorder among the youth.  A report by the World Health Organization draws attention to the fact that excessive consumption of fast food and soft drinks is becoming a significant cause of heart disease, bone-related diseases, diabetes and obesity among young people.  Often this diet is included in the habit in a hurry to save time and fill the stomach.  This saves time, but many physical problems also get a chance to dominate.
Experts attribute a large number of young people suffering from heart attacks and cardiovascular diseases to their irregular routine and the habit of eating spicy food and fried foods.  Also, the habit of smoking further increases the severity of this disease.  Some research suggests that the lifestyle of people today and the impact it is having on their lives, in the next decade or so, about 20 percent of the youth of India’s population will suffer from cardiovascular diseases.  According to the report of the World Health Organization, by 2020, the highest number of deaths in India will be due to cardiovascular diseases.  It is not that only fast food or outside food is giving rise to health problems, but often the way and time of our eating also affect health.  This is the reason why often even traditional home-cooked food gives rise to stomach related problems.  The high amount of sugar and fat in the home made diet makes the food harmful.  Changing lifestyle has brought a big change in diet.  Although some superficial benefits are visible from this, the truth is that these eating habits have affected health on many levels.  Asthma disease is spreading rapidly among the youth today.  Physicians are telling the main reason for this due to lack of nutrients in the diet and fried food, snacks and greasy food.  Instead of proving to be better for health, such a diet has the opposite effect on it.  Apart from this, vehicular pollution in urban areas and big mills and factories in rural areas are promoting respiratory diseases.  If we also look at the problems of women, then somewhere the reason for their increase is also dietary errors.
As a result of changing eating habits and changing lifestyle, today most women go through difficult situations during pregnancy.  It is the result of poor, unbalanced diet and lifestyle changes that today more than 15 percent of women suffer from the problem of infertility.  However, the reason for this is also that now women are employed and are choosing to marry late.  At the same time, due to some health problems, they do not get the happiness of children.  But in the meantime, this problem also cannot be ignored.  Modern lifestyle has affected health as well as fertility.  This has led to a decrease in fertility in men.  Research suggests that along with the habit of intoxication, unbalanced diet has increased this problem in men.  On the other hand, baldness in men and hair fall in women is also related to dietary habits somewhere.  Often, over-consumption of a nutrient through a diet and sometimes a lack of any nutrient is a major reason for hair fall.  This imbalance of protein, vitamin and mineral nutrients increases the risk of baldness.
At the same time, due to negligence in the diet and lack of vitamin D and calcium and their lack in our diet today, there has been an increase in bone related problems.  Due to the lack of protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin D in the diet for a long time, the risk of these diseases has increased manifold.  Today depression is also emerging as a problem.  Especially, in urban areas, it is believed to be the result of changing lifestyle. Earlier breakfast in any house was from roti, paratha, but today from cities to rural families, bread, biscuits, maggi, jam etc. are available in the morning.  The trend has increased.  There has been a decrease in the nutrients available from such foods.  At the same time, the carelessness of the diet has made the situation so frightening that the youth are facing the risk of many diseases at once.  Many such reports have been issued by the World Health Organization, which have clearly drawn attention to the increasing cases of blood pressure and diseases like diabetes in India and even said that if the situation remains the same, then in the coming years, India  This disease will take the form of an epidemic.
Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to the old tradition of having food at least three times a day.  Have a simple breakfast and diet and make it a habit to go to bed early and get up early.  Apart from this, today, especially in cities, the trend of girls living on diet also harms their health.  The problem of obesity often increases with fast food or unbalanced food, so attention should be paid to it.  Today, the trend of Italian, Mexican, Thai and Chinese food has increased in India.  People are eating them without understanding whether it is according to the nature of their body or not.  At the same time, they also do not consider it necessary to know whether the foreign food that is being served to them contains nutrients or not and what kind of technology has been adopted in making them.  In the case of cold drinks, shocking figures often come to the fore that some ingredients are being used in excess of the norm, which is injurious to health.  Despite this, people ignore them and drink them fearlessly.  In recent research, it has also been told that water kept in plastic bottles for a long time or heated by the sun becomes poisonous and drinking tea in plastic cups can cause cancer.  Some Indian dishes are also mostly fried and rich in spices.
These include gram flour dumplings, bread dumplings and samosas.  Through these, not only do more chili-spices reach the body than needed, but salt also reaches the body in large quantities and harms the body in many ways.  Salt is essential for health and digestion, but reaching the body in excess increases the risk of heart disease.  There is also the possibility of kidney stones due to excessive salt.  Today, the trend of drinking tea in big cups has increased.  Tea is often seen as a miraculous drink to bring agility in fatigue.  In the morning empty stomach, frequent tea with fried things during the day, sugar and tannin, harmful substances like caffeine also go into the stomach.  Caffeine also affects the heartbeat.  This makes her faster.  The result is an increase in heart problems.  On the other hand, not eating food after chewing, lying down after dinner are the reasons due to which food gets digested late or remains undigested in the stomach.
Before this, there are stomach related problems like gas, indigestion, burning etc.  The main reason for the increase of diseases is drinking less water or drinking more water immediately after the meal.  Nowadays, the kind of diet young people are choosing to take, due to which there is a lack of blood in the body.  The result is that today women are getting many diseases due to lack of blood during pregnancy.  Even this is becoming the reason for his death.  In fact, in the modern lifestyle, the new custom of eating has gone on the one hand that whenever, whatever is eaten, it may be filling the stomach, but it is increasing the disease like anemia. The essential nutrients from our diet.  have disappeared.  In developed countries like America as well as in India, obesity is taking the form of a disease and lifestyle diseases are spreading rapidly here.  On the other hand, malnourishment and diseases are increasing due to lack of nutrients in rural children as compared to urban children.  Excessive consumption of red meat and processed substances and drugs has become common in the urban lifestyle.  It is proving to be injurious to health.  Like the western countries, the lifestyle of Indian youth like becoming addicted to smoking is not conducive to the Indian climate and environment.
The way in which the youth are being made accustomed to the exotic products, fast food from the teenage age in the tempting advertisements.  This is also a major reason why premature babies are falling prey to diseases and youth are battling serious diseases.  There is no doubt that the market is increasing due to this, but the health of the youth is constantly being neglected.  At the same time, adulterated food items kept in adorable packages for days have also started making a deep impact on health.  It is a different matter that people do not take it so seriously, but somewhere it is a serious matter.  In view of this seriousness, now a provision has been made for strict punishment for those who adulterate milk, so there is a need to think seriously about this.  It has been reported many times that most of the packaged food items sold in the market have been prepared with carelessness and have been found to have cancer-promoting chemicals.  Today, the trend of taking outside and packed food has increased, there are some compulsions behind it.  People working in other states, cities, away from their families, get ready-made food outside at a low cost.  This saves both time and money, but at the same time carelessness with health often takes a serious form.  At the same time, there are some eating habits which do not allow even a good diet to be effective for health.  Often we know from which foods we get nutrition, but we do not think it necessary to decide what is the right time to take them.

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