A Gist of the Lecture series on Hum Jitenge: Positivity Unlimited Covid Response Team (CRT)

Amidst the challenge posed by Covid-19 to Indian society and to spread positivity in the society, Covid Response Team (CRT), an initiative of civil society with multiple stakeholders including religious, spiritual, business, philanthropic and social organizations organized a lecture series titled ‘Positivity Unlimited,’ which started from 11th May onwards and culminated on 15th May.
In this lecture series, key figures in Indian society addressed the nation to create positivity to meet the challenges posed by the pandemic. Lt Gen Gurmit Singh (Retd.), Convenor, Covid Response Team, confided that the programme which lasted for over 30 minutes by each lecture covers possible responses on different aspects of life ranging from spirituality, dharmic course, and mental health to enhancing physical strength. He stated that “Imbibing confidence in the society by setting aside fear, hopelessness, helplessness, and negativity, motivating people to brace up for a long haul with huge societal changes after Covid 19 is the idea behind ‘Positivity Unlimited’ lecture series”.
The speakers are – (1) Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, (2) Pujya Muni Shri Pramansagar, (3) Sri Sri Ravishankar, (4) Shri Azim Premji, (5) Pujaneeya Shankaracharya Vijayendra Saraswati, (6) Sonal Mansingh (Padma Vibhushan), (7) Acharya Vidyasagar, (8) Pujyashri Mahant Sant Gnyan Dev Singh (Shri Panchaayti Akhada-Nirmal), (9) Nivedita Bhide, (10) Pujaneeya Sarsanghchalak of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Dr. Mohan Bhagwat delivered the concluding lecture series on 15th May.
DAY ONE: 11th May 2021
Sadguru and Munishri Pramansagarji delivered the address on the inaugural day of the lecture series. In it, the two spiritual leaders stated that Bharat would win the battle against Covid-19 with positivity, strong mind, and steely resolve. They call upon the Bharatiya society to keep a strong resolve and avoid panic, fear, frustration, and anger to win the battle against Covid-19. Both the spiritual leaders expressed confidence that Bharatiya society has the resilience to meet any challenge, including the present one. They emphasized that the most important thing to do right now is to maintain a positive attitude.
Addressing the nation, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev Ji said, “… panics, frustration, fear, anger, none of these things are going to help us because this is not a time for grandstanding. This is not a time to point fingers at each other. This is time to stand up, not even as one nation, but as one humanity.” He further added, “It’s very important for all of us to continue our work to the extent possible because crippling the whole activity in the country or the world is not the answer because that’s going to take a much bigger toll on us. So it’s very important to what extent, whatever the nature of work we are doing, to what extent we can keep it on without coming close to people, without getting infected, (this) is a fundamental responsibility.”
“This is a time to dig and dig yourself deep into the roots of the culture which has invested so heavily into inner well-being. At least the Indians should set the example. No matter what happens in our lives. We will stay peaceful. We will come through any situation thrown to us, either by earthly whiteness or the aliens. We will come out of it successfully. This is something we need to demonstrate to the world. In many ways, the world is looking towards India for this,” said Sadguru.
In his address, Pujya Jain Munishree Pramansagar said, “I want to give a message to the people having Covid-19 infection that the first and the foremost thing is to have a strong resolve that they would come out of it. Getting this disease doesn’t mean that one is going to die. Have a strong and steely resolve, and you would be able to defeat this disease in no time.”
“Have a spiritual insight and tell yourself that this is a physical disease and not related to your mind. There are many treatments for if your body is ailing, but there is no treatment for an ailing mind deep. So don’t let this physical disease overpower your mind,” he further said
“Nothing can happen to a person with a strong mind. I agree that no one is immortal, but we don’t have to die just like that. People get scared when they test Covid positive. They think that they are not going to make it. Along with the patient, the family members also start panicking – this panic results in a mess. The patient and the family members should have patience. A disease has come, but it will go away also. You can see that most of the infected people are coming out of it safely. The death rate is only around 1.5 percent. The second wave is scarier but what needs to be done is to maintain caution and be alert,” emphasised Jain Munishree Praman Sagarji.
DAY TWO: 12th May 2021
On 12th May 2021, the second day of ‘Hum Jitenge-Positivity Unlimited lecture series, the luminaries who have gained eminence and recognition in different walks of life address the nation while calling for compassion Sewa express confidence that Bharat would come out as a winner is against the pandemic. The Speakers who delivered the lecture are – Sri Sri Ravishankar, Shri Azim Premji, and Nivedita Bhide.
In their deliberations, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Padmashree Nivedita Bhide, and Shri Azim Premji called upon Bharatiya society to meet the challenge posed by the pandemic by standing unitedly with a focus on compassion and service to the society.
In his address, Sri Sri Ravishankar said, “The need of the hour is patience. Today everyone in society has a responsibility from a social and psychological perspective. To carry forward this responsibility, we need to invoke patience and be in high spirits. If we are high spirited, that pall of gloom will vanish, and this is the time to invoke this positive spirit.” He further continued, “We need to display compassion as there is a lot of suffering around, which can be done by doing service to others. Whatever we can do as a ‘sew’ for others, we should do it… this is the biggest test of human life. At least at this time, we all have to awaken our devotion to God. We have to move forward knowing that God is there and he will give us strength, and he is giving us strength”. He also drew the attention, stating that “We should avoid negative mentality and negative things. Negative things should be reduced as much as possible, and every person should try to lighten the environment around which seems quite messed up. Certainly, we will come out of this crisis as the winner. Whenever any force tries to suppress us, we have become stronger, and we have grown further. Just remember, this is the time to express compassion. Express your inner compassion and awaken faith in God. Pay attention to Yoga-practice and Ayurveda, also pay attention to your health. Be ready to do whatever you can for the good of others. By doing this, our mind would be able to avoid negativity. “
In her address, social activist and Padmashree Nivedita Bhide, Vivekananda Kendra, Kanyakumari said, “Initially the second wave of COVID came with an unexpected speed, and hence it took us some time to gear up, but now we can see that at the level of institutions, government as well as society, we have organised ourselves well to meet this challenge. It is important during this challenging time to retain our positivity, engage in creative pursuits together as a family, and most importantly do the ‘Sewa (service) work. If you can do nothing else, you can at least take care of the COVID-affected family in your neighbourhood. If you can’t do even that, then you can at least pray with a resolve for the wellbeing of all. This would create positive vibrations all around and would help a great deal in creating an atmosphere of positivity.” She underscored the need for meeting the challenges collectively in solidarity, stating that “We are not an ordinary nation. We have faced many challenges in the past and met them successfully, and we will meet this present challenge also successfully.”
Azim Premji, in his address, noted, “In this situation, the country must come together as one. We must drop all our differences, understanding that this situation requires unity of action. Together, we are stronger, divided we continue to struggle. While wishing wellbeing and strength, he also draws the attention that “We have to be focused on the plight of the most vulnerable. All of my actions must give vulnerable the priority they deserve. I can only urge everyone to come together and do everything we can and more because the hour demands it. I wish all of you safety and strength.”
DAY THREE: 13th May 2021
Spiritual Guru Shankaracharya Vijayendra Saraswati and eminent artist Sonal Mansingh gave the deliverance on the third day. In their respective lecture, they called upon the Bharatiya society to maintain confidence in itself. They said that ‘we should share around us more and positive thoughts as this would help win in the war against COVID 19.
Pujya Shankaracharya Vijayendra Saraswati said in his address that, “today we are facing a crisis due to pandemic in the world. A year ago, this problem came to Bharat. At that time, this crisis was overcome by hard work, cooperation, and society’s sympathy. Now the same crisis has struck again, but this time it is much more grave. But we should be able to overcome this crisis also. To overcome this crisis, we should pray and remember what Sankat Mochak Hanuman Ji said In Valmiki Ramayana. Hanuman Ji says there is sorrow, there is a crisis, yet whatever the situation is, do not give up; keep trying. No matter the crisis, if we work hard with confidence, we will get the results and be successful. In the last year’s crisis, people speaking different languages and people from different states worked together, and the result was also very favorable. Two kinds of efforts are necessary to overcome the present challenge – One is to pray and practice virtue, and the second is to go for medical treatment to heal oneself. But at the same time, patience and confidence also have an important place in the present scheme of things. If there is patience and confidence, we can come out of it, no matter the crisis. There is a need for personal faith, as well as to create a positive environment at the collective level”.
Eminent artist and Padmavibhushan awardee Sonal Mansingh, while sharing her personal experiences in her address, said she had recently suffered from COVID 19. Still, she overcame it with positive thoughts, patience, self-confidence, and prayer that drove away from the despair. “There is a need to create an atmosphere of boundless hope and positivity in the society so that no one is despaired or disappointed. For this, we may support creative pursuits, and we should have a feeling of gratitude in mind. We are all fighting this war, and we will get victory in it. But for this, we have to make sure that we do not consider ourselves helpless; we must stay away from anger, frustration, disappointment, share positive thoughts, and support others to create an atmosphere of positivity at the collective level in society.
DAY FOUR: 14th May 2021
On the fourth day of the series, Sadhvi Rithambara Ji, Vatsalya Gram, and Sant Gyan Dev Singh Ji, Shri Panchayati Akhara -Nirmal called upon the Bharatiya society to invoke the rich spiritual tradition of India and thus awaken its inner strength to overcome the Corona crisis. They said that instead of feeling helpless in unfavorable conditions, this challenge could be overcome only by taking a resolve with a strong mind.
Sadhvi Ritambhara Ji said in her address, “The strength of a society is tested under adverse circumstances. In these adverse circumstances, while our entire country is struggling with a strange pandemic, this is the time when we have to awaken our inner strength. The biggest mountains can be moved by courage and determination. When the river flows, it can convert big rocks into sand. Therefore, feeling helpless in this challenging situation wouldn’t resolve the crisis; you have to awaken your inner strength to meet this challenge.”
She said that every crisis has a solution, but it comes to you only when you trust yourself and your God. With this trust and belief, we will overcome this epidemic. “I want to request all Indians that instead of accusing others, everyone should awaken their self-confidence, self-restraint, and self-determination. Amid all these circumstances, if our power is used only in negative thinking, then the ability to do and to think of something new will vanish.”
Sant Gyan Devji Maharaj said in his address, “There is no need to panic. It is not only Bharat, but the whole world is going through a transition phase. Nothing is unchanged in this world. If sadness has arrived, it will not stay for long, and it would go away as it has come. So, there is no need to panic. If anyone gets infected, he should think about God, read Gita, read Gurubani. Keep your body healthy, your mind healthy. If you have won your mind, you have won over the world. If your mind is healthy, you will be healthy, and there will be no effect on you.”
He said that all the advice which doctors give during this pandemic has always been an integral part of the Bharatiya lifestyle for ages. We can all stay healthy by following our rich cultural and spiritual traditions. Therefore, the need for the hour is to identify these rich traditions and follow them in our lives.
DAY FIVE: 15th May 2021
RSS Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat addressed the nation on the 5th and final day
With determination, alertness, patience, and collective efforts, the corona crisis will definitely be conquered – Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji.
Dr. Mohan Bhagwat Ji, in his address to the nation, urged that Bharatiya would overcome the Corona crisis with determination, persistent efforts, and patience. He reiterated that this is not the time for the blame game; the need for the hour is ‘all sections of the society will have to make collective efforts together to overcome this crisis.’ He expresses this in his address on the fifth and last day of the lecture series, “Hum Jitenge – Positivity Unlimited.” Further, he said that if everyone works together as a team, we can move ahead at a much faster pace due to this collective effort. This is the time when we need to forget all our differences, and we have to work together. After the first wave of Corona, we were caught off guard, and now there is talk of a third wave being in the offing. All this had a profound impact on the economy, employment, education, etc. There may be a further impact on the economy in the coming days, so we have to prepare for it from now onwards. There is no need to panic because of such discussions as these are future challenges, and this would help us prepare in time to meet the challenges that we are likely to face.
He also set forth that we should engage in service work with patience and discipline while keeping ourselves alert, active, and healthy. Efforts should be made to make beds, oxygen, etc., available to the patients of Corona in hospitals. People can assist and support organizations engaged in service work. People should care about the families around them who are facing economic difficulties.
“Do not sit idle at home, learn something new, increase communication and dialogues within the family,” he implored and also to consistently remember the lines –
“Success is not final; Failure is not fatal.
The courage to continue is the only thing that matters.”
Dr. Bhagwat sums up by articulating that “Bharat is an ancient nation and has overcome many crises in the past. This time also we will win. For this, we have to keep the Corona out of our body while our mind should be full of positivity. In such a challenging situation, one shouldn’t despair but rather resolve to fight and win this battle. Humanity has overcome many such obstructions in the past and has kept on moving ahead, and it would continue to do so”.
The full lectures were broadcasted and relayed to people across the country and the world through a string of over 100 news portals and many important media platforms to enhance the reach and bring about positivity. The Doordarshan National and Sudarshan News also broadcasted the 5-Day lecture series.


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