Home » MCPCR takes Suo Motu cognizance of traumatic incident involving children

MCPCR takes Suo Motu cognizance of traumatic incident involving children

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MCPCR takes Suo Motu cognizance of traumatic incident involving children

IT News
Imphal, June 27:

The Manipur Commission for Protection of Child Rights (MCPCR) has taken suo motu cognizance of a distressing incident that occurred yesterday, in which two minors in their school uniforms experienced trauma due to their father’s actions. The commission noted that had the police taken certain prerequisite measures, the situation could have been managed more effectively.
In an official statement, the MCPCR expressed its regret over the incident and acknowledged the challenges faced by the police personnel involved. The operation, aimed at intercepting and arresting an accused who was accompanied by his children, presented significant difficulties. Despite these challenges, the MCPCR emphasized the importance of adhering to legal protocols, especially in situations where children are present.
To address the issue and prevent future occurrences, the MCPCR announced its intention to serve notices to both the police and the Directorate of Social Welfare. These notices will request detailed reports on the incident and seek measures to prevent children from being exposed to such traumatic experiences in the future.
The incident took place when a police team apprehended Tomtomsana, a candidate who was recently defeated in the 18th Lok Sabha Election. Tomtomsana escaped from the claw of the police team on the way to police station.

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