Home » DESAM protests against malpractices in Pre-Primary teacher recruitment

DESAM protests against malpractices in Pre-Primary teacher recruitment

by Konthoujam Gita
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DESAM protests against malpractices in Pre-Primary teacher recruitment

IT News
Imphal, June 16:

The Democratic Students’ Alliance of Manipur (DESAM) has taken strong actions against alleged malpractices in the recruitment of pre-primary teachers. Protests have been held in multiple locations, with effigies of the Education Minister, Director, and Commissioner being burnt to demand their resignation.
At the Oriental College gate in Tera, the Imphal West District Council of DESAM set fire to the effigies, condemning what they describe as the recruitment of unqualified individuals for pre-primary teaching positions. Council President Ningthoukhongjam Nobinchandra emphasized that the individuals currently under arrest are the ones striving to correct these recruitment malpractices and demanded their unconditional release.
Simultaneously, the Imphal East District Council of DESAM staged a similar protest at Pangei Bazar. Secretary General Sanjenbam Pamheiba underscored the necessity of proper training for teachers, drawing a parallel by stating that just as rigorous training is essential to become a doctor or engineer, so too should it be for educators. Pamheiba’s argument highlights the critical importance of qualified teachers in the foundational stages of education.

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