Home » COCOMI Farmers’ Wing pushes for comprehensive support for affected farmers

COCOMI Farmers’ Wing pushes for comprehensive support for affected farmers

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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COCOMI Farmers’ Wing pushes for comprehensive support for affected farmers

IT News
Imphal, June 11:

Farmers’ Wing of the Coordinating Committee on Manipur Integrity (COCOMI) has adopted several resolutions aimed at addressing the pressing needs of the agricultural community. The meeting, held to discuss the current challenges faced by farmers, resulted in a strategic plan to enhance coordination and resource provision.
One of the key resolutions is the formation of a Farmers’ Coordination Committee specifically for affected village areas. This committee will play a crucial role in ensuring that the concerns and requirements of local farmers are systematically addressed and effectively managed. By establishing this dedicated body, COCOMI aims to provide a structured approach to tackling the unique challenges faced by these farmers.
Another resolution emphasizes the importance of collaboration with both the State Level Monitoring Committee and the District Level Monitoring Committee. By aligning with these monitoring committees, the Farmers’ Coordination Committee seeks to create a cohesive and comprehensive support system for farmers.
Addressing the immediate needs of farmers, COCOMI has called for the provision of essential resources such as irrigation, machinery, seeds, and fertilizers through the appropriate government departments. In cases where the harvest could not be completed, the committee has urged the government to seek alternative arrangements.
To ensure that these resolutions are acted upon, a memorandum will be submitted to key government officials, including the Governor, Chief Minister, Agriculture Minister, Security Advisor, and relevant departments of the Manipur government.
This submission aims to secure the necessary governmental support and prompt action on the critical issues highlighted by the Farmers’ Wing.

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