Home » KCP condoles demise of cadre Sinam Armstrong

KCP condoles demise of cadre Sinam Armstrong

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KCP condoles demise of cadre Sinam Armstrong

IT News
Imphal, June 10:

The Kangleipak Communist Party (KCP) has expressed deep condolences over the demise of its cadre Sinam Armstrong, also known as Saraba Meitei. In a statement released by the party’s Secretary in charge of Information and Publicity, S. Mangal, it is stated that Comrade Sinam Armstrong held the rank of 2nd Lieutenant, with the Army number 447.
Sinam Armstrong, aged approximately 34, was the son of S. Rajen and Sinam Ongbi Latabi Leima of Leipham Awang Sekmai Mamang Leikai. He passed away in a tragic incident on Saturday, June 8, 2024, at around 8:30 pm. He is survived by his wife and two children.
The statement noted that Comrade Saraba Meitei joined the KCP on October 20, 2008, at the age of 20. Throughout his service, he remained steadfast in his commitment to the party’s cause, displaying dedication and discipline. The KCP extended its heartfelt condolences and a red salute to the late Comrade Saraba Meitei, expressing profound sympathy to his grieving family.

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