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MWF celebrates first anniversary with call for unity and economic independence

by Guru Aribam Naocha
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MWF celebrates first anniversary with call for unity and economic independence

IT News
Imphal, June 10:

The Manipur Women’s Federation (MWF) marked its one-year anniversary today, with a powerful message delivered by its President, Khudongbam Shini. She highlighted the pressing need for economic independence and unity in the face of growing challenges in the region.
In her address, Khudongbam Shini emphasized that Manipur, once a self-sufficient state, has now become economically dependent. “We must lay the foundations for our future generations to live with economic independence and self-respect,” she urged. This message resonated strongly in a state facing significant socio-economic hurdles.
Khudongbam Shini also expressed concern over the increasing presence of terroristic forces threatening Manipur’s peace and stability. “At this juncture, it is crucial for us to work towards bringing unity,” she asserted, emphasizing the role of collective effort in overcoming these challenges.
The MWF, the women’s wing of the Federation of Civil Society Organisations (FOCS), was established on June 11 last year to improve the condition of women in Manipur. The federation has been actively working to combat the rampant crimes against women in the state. She reiterated the MWF’s commitment to addressing these societal evils, calling for continued vigilance and action.
The statement released by President Khudongbam Shini reflects the federation’s dedication to fostering a safer and more prosperous environment for women and the broader community in Manipur. As the MWF commemorates its first anniversary, it remains steadfast in its mission to uplift and empower women, advocating for a unified and economically resilient Manipur.

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