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People of Manipur have saved democracy – Popilal

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People of Manipur have saved democracy – Popilal

IT News
Imphal, June 4:

Congress supporters, including Youth Congress leaders and members, gathered in front of the Congress Bhavan in Imphal today to celebrate the party’s historic victory in the Inner Manipur seat.
As news of the Congress’s triumph began to spread, celebrations erupted at various pockets of Imphal, with Congress workers chanting slogans of “Long live mother Manipur” echoing through the streets.
Youth Congress leader Ningthoujam Popilal praised the achievement, saying it was a huge victory for the people of Manipur. “The people of Manipur and the Congress party are trying their best to save the democracy of the country,” he said. “The BJP has been trying to destroy the beauty of our constitution over the past few years. But we have foiled their plans and won by a huge margin of over one lakh votes.”

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